Chapter 38

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Allison’s POV

Today was Diana’s bachelorette party , Emily and Sarah arranged it because I wasn't really in the mood to do it . Harry arranged Ashton’s ,but he refused to tell what they were doing .but i'm 100% sure it will include strippers. Jeremy was with them so I’ll just ask him later .

Emily and Sarah decided the party should be in Diana’s house . they didn’t want to get her tired because of the baby and all . there were other couple of Diana’s friends  other than me ,Emily and Sarah . strangely they decided Diana will open the wedding gifts first . she opened one after one , until she read the last card ‘ Allison ‘ . all eyes turned at me because there was two boxes , I smirked at her she started unwrapping the first one “ oh my god I love it !  “ Diana gasped and everyone asked what is it ?  then Diana took the baby’s clothes that said ‘ I love mommy ‘  from the box and showed it to them and they all ‘awwed’ . “ okay that’s for the baby , now open yours “ I told her ,she smiled and started unwrapping the other box . she giggled as soon as she saw it then took out of the box showing it to everyone it was a black shirt I ordered online that has a line and baby’s eyes looking through it, like he wants to get out and under the baby the word ‘ loading ‘ . they all laughed at the shirt .

we were all drinking except Diana of course ,she kept whining that she can’t drink at her own bacholerette party . the doorbell rang Emily ran to get the door ,and Sarah stood up in front of everyone “ now the best part of every bacholerette party “ she grinned ,then two men wearing leather clothe walked “ did anyone order a stripper ? “ he smirked and the girls all screamed “ yes “

freaking god noway I’m watching them “ I’ll stay upstairs until they leave “ I told Diana

“ don’t be a party popper ! “ she glared at me .

“ I’m not ,enjoy your strippers , I won’t “

for god’s sake ! I blush when I see harry MY BOYFRIEND wearing only a towel .and they want me to watch strippers ?

I found a room upstairs ,I got in and decided to call harry and see what are they up to . he didn’t answer ,and I was about to hang up when he picked it up finally . “ hi “ he chuckled

“ hi , what’s up ? “

“ not much “ he chuckled again .

“are you drunk ? “ I asked him

“ em not yet “

“ what are the three of you doing ? “

“ okay , just remember you asked . Jeremy is making out with a stripper . Ashton have one all over him and I’m talking to you “

“ oh really ? so innocent you “  I smiled .

“ yes “ he laughed

“ I’m pretty sure you’re watching one right now “ I shook my head before deciding to tease him “ just like I’m watching one here“

“ why would you have a stripper in a girls party ? “ he asked and I couldn’t help but laugh .

“ oh did I forget to mention that Sarah and Emily brought M.A.L.E strippers ? “

“WHAT ? “ he screamed over the phone .

“ what do you think ? you can watch strippers and I can’t ? “ I teased him more , that’s what he gets for going to strip club .

“ Allison get out of there !”

“ and why should I do that ? “ I grind .

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