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(The following is a translation of StarBeats's Author's Note. Any notes from myself will be in parentheses.)

Hello! As you would notice if you've been here before... we have a new cover! This means... yes, the Ninjago/Avatar crossover project is back on track! I do not promise to update often, because I still have to get my thoughts on this together. If I have enough time I will lengthen this to the complete, three-book saga I'd planned.

Now, I've decided this will take place in an alternate universe, which makes it easier for me to write and gives me more freedom to "create."

In this AU:

     -Neither Korra nor Aang exist. I'm sorry, but if I put them in the timeline it would look... weird. Of course, I'm still not 100% sure, so if I find a way to combine their story-lines... maybe they will show up.

     -The next element in the Avatar Cycle is Fire, so the next Avatar will be born in the Fire Nation.

That's all for now! Love you all!- StarBeats

(Now for a translator's note: This story is entirely the work and property of StarBeats. All I am doing is translating it into English and editing it to make sure it reads well. However, I am by no means a proper translator OR fluent in Spanish, so if you check out the original work- which I highly recommend doing if you can- and find any inconsistencies with my rendering of it, please let me know and I will do my best to fix them. Now, please enjoy the story!)

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