Chapter 5: The City of the Airships

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"This is the most ridiculous idea I've heard in my entire life ..." Kai mumbles, while the trio hides by the side of a road.

"Shut up and go for the clothes," his sister scolds him, from his side.

Kai snorts. They wait patiently until a group of travelers ambles by. Darting out from their hiding spots, the kids snag all the clothes they can carry from the unsuspecting group's wagon.

Hidden again, they dress quickly. Once they look like Earth Kingdom subjects, they're able to head down the gravel path without trouble. However, when the road ends, Kai is speechless.

The air kid's taking us to Hikosen City!

"This can't be possible," Kai murmurs, "This is your idea of transportation!?"

"Come on, it'll be fun!" assures the blonde. "I've always wanted to travel in an airship and-,"

"And if they surprise us, we're fried," Kai finishes.

Lloyd rolls his eyes and enters the city. Kai looks at his sister, hoping for support, but Nya simply follows Lloyd.

Kai has no choice but to follow them.

Hikosen is monumental. A city surrounded by mountains, almost always covered in a light mist that cools the air. It's the first time Kai has ever left his native village, so everything he sees attracts his attention. The people, the food, the music...

After Avatar Aang passed on, Fire Lord Zuko had tried to restore the republic and return the nations to unity. However, few of his changes stuck. Many cities and towns refused to cooperate, insisting they could never again trust the Fire Nation. On the other hand, a few, like Hikosen, were proof that peace could be restored. In the mountain city there are people from all nations, except air. The Air Nomads had been exterminated years ago. Now, there are only two left: Lloyd, and Aang's son.

The three of them enter a curio shop. When Lloyd opens the door, a strange tinkling bell announces their presence. Kai decides he doesn't like the place. There are strange pots everywhere, many of which could easily pass for garbage. A worn showcase displays old and decomposed sundials, among other unusable things. An old woman looks at the kids from over the counter. Her brown hair is pulled back, she wears a jumpsuit, and glasses sit on her small nose.

"Well now, how can I help you?" she asks with a smile. She looks at them and, without waiting for a response, continues to speak.

"You kids aren't from around here, now are ya? You must be from the southern colonies. We almost never get settlers from around those parts in our little shop, much less such adorable youngsters!" Kai opens his mouth to protest this, but he's interrupted by the woman's scream.

"ED!! SOME KIDS WANT TO SEE YOUR INVENTIONS!!"A grey-haired man comes out from behind a shelf. He wears an apron spotted with grease and oil stains.

"Kids? Where the devil would... Oh! Really, Edna?" asks the man in a kind voice.

"Not really...," interrupts Lloyd. "We'd actually like to rent an airship."

The couple look at each other.

"Ooh! Of course," exclaims Edna. "Well then, my son Jay will be your pilot! I should warn you, though, he's a little distractible- ohohohoho! I forgot! I promised him I'd stop embarrassing him in front of the customers."

"Psst," Kai whispers to Lloyd and Nya. "It's not too late to get out of here..."

The sound of the door startles the firebender. A red-haired boy of about his age, dressed in a navy-blue coat and wearing aviator goggles over his cobalt eyes, stands in the doorway, looking angry.

"Mom! Dad! Don't you remember that talk we had?" he growls, apparently indifferent to the trio's presence.

"Of course, son!" exclaims Ed. "You mean the one where you told us stop embarrassing me, you're making me look bad in front of the girls?"

Kai slaps his forehead and looks for possible escape routes.

"Exactly!" the redhead begins to walk towards the trio, but stops when he sees Nya. "...and by the way, there's a very cute one right here."

Kai's blood boils. He takes his sister's wrist and heads for the door.

"Alright, that's enough. Air Kid, let's go."

"But... this is the cheapest place!" Lloyd protests, not moving from his spot. "If we don't rent an airship here, we'll never get there in time!"

"Kai," Nya starts, before turning to the teen in blue. "My name is Nya."Kai closes his eyes, trying to think of something fast.

Great, he fumes. This is gonna be a looong trip...


(A/N) Hikosen means "airship" in Japanese

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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