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The wind bellows in the night, carrying with it a sense of change.

A young woman runs through the streets of the Fire Nation capitol. Her steps are quick and careful as she darts between the shadows of the buildings, avoiding the watchful eyes of the guards. In her arms is a precious bundle: a tiny baby, squirming anxiously.

The moment she's beyond the city walls, the woman feels as though a weight has been lifted from her. She knows, deep down, that soon she will have to return, but she will be doing so alone. She can't allow her baby anywhere near the palace. She's promised to protect him, a promise she'll keep if it kills her.

Finally, the woman reaches a military base stationed just outside the city, where she spots one of the dragons used for long-distance journeys. Only high-ranking generals are allowed to ride those rare beasts. Hurrying across the camp, and before anyone is the wiser, she mounts a dragon and takes off.

The baby seems to enjoy the flight. His little hands pat the thick scales of the dragon. Soon, the rushing wind and the steady motions of flight lull him back to sleep.

The mother guides the dragon deep into the mountains, to places accessible only by air. With each craggy peak they pass, they draw closer to a small temple hidden in the mountainside. A temple of Air Nomads.

The Fire Nation's threat had forced the peaceful monks to abandon their traditional temples and seek refuge in new, more hidden ones. The dragon glides down to land in an open square, where the refugee Airbenders meet it in an anxious crowd. They prepare to defend themselves, until the woman dismounts the beast carrying the baby.

"The Avatar has returned." The woman announces this, and says nothing else.

One of the monks, an old man with a long white beard, carefully takes the baby from his mother's arms. He examines the child, and understands.

In his arms, he holds the new Avatar.

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