Chapter 4: Fire Nation's "Most Wanted"

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Nya and Lloyd run to the back door. Her hand is shaking so badly that she can barely open it.

"Here!" Lloyd tells her, as he runs from the house. Nya follows closely. They run, until a guard cuts them off. The duo looks around frantically, hoping to find a way to escape.

"Nya, hold my hand!" Lloyd commands. Nya does so, uncertain as to what's about to happen. Lloyd takes a long stick from behind his back and raises it, opening it into a glider.

"Whatever happens, don't let go!"

Who in their right mind would?

Lloyd uses his bending and they soar into the air. A gentle breeze hits Nya's face.

This is... incredible!

They land on the outskirts of the village, right on the small cliff separating it from the valley. Nya looks impatiently at the sky. The sun begins to appear, accompanied by pastel rays that cross the sky. Anxious, she looks at the road. It is empty.

Come on, Kai! She thinks hopefully. Then, they hear steps coming from the village, but it isn't Kai. It's a guard. Lloyd and Nya take defensive stances. The guard comes closer and closer, until he is a mere three meters away. Then, he puts his hands to his head and removes his helmet.

"Kai!" Nya exclaims, running forward and throwing her arms around him in a hug.

"Air kid," Kai looks at Lloyd with suspicion. "I don't know who you are, or why those guards were looking for you, but... I'll just tell you one thing."

Uh oh, Nya groans inwardly. Knowing Kai, this won't be anything good.

"We're coming with you."

"What?!" Lloyd and Nya exclaim as one.

"Well, we obviously can't go back." Kai explains.

"That's right," Nya admits, "The guards will still be looking for us."

"Yeah, the guards," Kai answers, a little too quickly.

Nothing to do with me burning the house down, he thinks to himself with a nervous laugh.

"But...," Lloyd looks at them nervously. "You should know something first. I... I'm the Avatar."

"How are you the Avatar?!" Kai exclaims. Lloyd shrinks in on himself a little, ashamed.

"Look, I never asked to be-," he starts.

"This is just perfect," Kai crosses his arms. "I just can't get away from this stupid war, can I?!"

"Maybe it's your destiny?" Lloyd jokes.

"Don't get smart with me!"

"No, Kai, he's right! Lloyd came into our lives for a reason. Dad always said that the world works in mysterious ways," Nya entreats her brother.

That's true, I guess, he thinks. If I want to get revenge for Dad, I'm gonna have to end this war, and to do that, I need the Avatar.

"Alright," he concedes. "Let's do it." Lloyd gives a nervous laugh.

"Uh, one more thing, actually...," he says with an awkward smile. "I just... well, I only know airbending."

Kai explodes, fairly literally.

"What?!" He tries to force himself to calm down, not wanting to burn the entire village. "Is there anything else you need to tell us?"

The boy shakes his head. Kai is unconvinced.

"Well, in that case, we'll have to go to the Northern Water tribe for a Waterbending master," says Nya, like that settles it.

"If that's the only way..." Kai says, resigned.

They set off towards the valley, with their backs to the village, to Kai and Nya's home.

"And by the way," says the boy. "My name is Lloyd, not 'kid'."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... kid." Kai says sarcastically.

"Are you two gonna be like this for the whole trip?" Nya complains. That's when Kai notices something moving in the kid's hood. Two long, white ears peek out, and then a twitching nose with whiskers. A raccoon rabbit jumps into the grass and begins to nibble on it.

"You've had that thing in there this whole time?!" Kai exclaims.

"You like nicknaming people, don't you?" Nya laughs.

"No, and 'that' isn't a person!"

Lloyd shrugs and runs after the animal.

"Kai, not to be a party pooper, but it'll take months for us to get to the Northern Water Tribe," mentions Nya, not incorrectly. "How are we going to get there?"

"We'll catch a ride!" says Lloyd, rejoining them.

"A ride?" Nya and Kai look at each other.

"What kind of ride?" Kai questions. Lloyd's only response is a wicked grin. Kai's hackles rise.

I don't like where this is going.

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