chapter one

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Caught between the anvil and the hammer
In the forging house of a new life,
Transforming the pangs that delivered me into the joy of new songs

The trapping of the past, tender and tenuous
Woven with the fibre of sisal and
Washed in the blood of the goat in the fetish hut
Are laced with the flimsy glories of paved streets
The jargon of a new dialectic comes with the

Charismatic of the perpetual search on the out law's hill
Sew the old days for us, our fathers, That we can wear them under our new garment,
After we have washed ourselves in
The whirlpool of the many rivers' estuary.

We hear their songs and rumors everyday
Determined to ignore these we use snatches from their tunes,
Make ourselves new flags and anthems
While we lift high the banner of the land

And listen to the reverberation of our songs
In the splash and moan of the sea.~lenrie Peters.

John's p.o.v

I snuffed in another puff of my cigar leaning against the railing of the ship and allowing the cool night breeze to hug my body.

I had been on this ship for the past three months, waiting  patiently to get to Africa. I have read a lot about it.Vast landscape, weird culture, and beautiful black people, but I could get sick because of the climate and I had to be careful about the black savage people.Once pissed off they tend to attack.

I stared blankly at the sky thinking deeply, at the reasons why they where been captured as slaves weren't they also our kind?
Or was it because of their skin colour?.
They seemed nothing but beautiful to me.
"John" I heard captain Colbolt call my name snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yes what do you want Colbolt?" I asked throwing away the cigar into the sea.

"We stop at the Western region tomorrow morning sir" he said.
"Is that so?"I asked raising an eyebrow. "What's today's date?" I asked him turning to face him this time.
"July 12th 1921 sir"
"go and record that captain Colbolt. send a letter to the general tell him we have arrived" .
"Very well sir". He said as he took his leave.
I walked over to my bed and sat on it slowly tomorrow was going to be a busy day. I checked my records while laying down on the plush mattress,I had to meet with the Igbo king.
A king I smirked, well his entire kingdom where in for a shock .
A day after tomorrow I'll meet with him and we will trade our trade consists of guns, rifles, mirror ,gold, sugarcane ,clothes and books
But this time it was different the king was trading a vast portion of land for his daughters education. It was a good deal I couldn't imagine it slipping away from my hands.

I couldn't help but wonder how or what the princess looked like maybe ugly or a ravishing beauty.

I couldn't help but think why the king seemed protective of his daughter in a few days I'll take her back to England and teach her all she needs to know.

And if she's worth the chase I'll wouldn't miss a chance to bed her as I have heard black beauties have large succulent breast. I chuckled at the thought she screaming and moaning my name and her eyes fluttering open at every attempt to give her pleasure.

**Two days later**

We where all seated in the court room me and my partner George who could understand their language.
Suddenly every one stopped talking and turned to state at the ebony beauty that entered the room. Then she stared at me for God knows how long and I couldn't agree more I must have her.
"Tell the king that he never told me he had such a treasure that I would like to steal".I whispered in Georges ear.
The king glared at me as soon as he got my message. I smirked at him and he whispered to his daughter she only looked surprised then she smiled at me , I could tell that she didn't understand English but A B C D... would do.

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