. 3 - One Week .

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A/N; This Chapter takes place after a successful date between Carrie and Darwin. They fell in love, and after only one week they were a couple. After only one week they had became the center of attention-- In a bad way. The worst way. But the strange couple has also attracted more attention from a certain innocent-seeming girl. The stress of homophobic society slowly makes it's way to Elmore's Local School. Know that Penny looks like Mike Inel's 'Inside her Shell' design from The Tape as Anime. Extra, know that Carrie actually has legs.


Present Time -Gumball - 17


Darwin was used to getting stares ion the way to the local school, Elmore Junior High. He met Carrie waiting outside, and he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, earning a lot of whispers from the students nearby.

Darwin didn't notice Gumball watching him walk to Carrie. Gumball sighed. They had always walked together to school. Darwin walked into school, his hands linked with Carrie's. They went straight to class, where Carrie went to her seat in back-right corner, and Darwin sat in the middle row left. Gumball sat to his right shortly after.

"Hey, Darwin." he immediately said. "Hey." Darwin simply said back, glancing at Carrie. A look of disappointment crossed Gumball's face. "What?" Darwin asked. "I'm worried! The entire school thinks your cursed? Why do you think they try to avoid you?" For the first time, Darwin realized that Gumball was the only one sitting near him. His front, back, and even diagonals were empty.

"So? I have you and Carrie." Darwin said. Gumball's ears twitched at his name. "Haven't you been lonely though?" Gumball said. Darwin shrugged. Gumball's ears laid back. "But what about when you have to move out of the Orphanage Place? It'll be soon..." he whimpered. Darwin smiled, blushing a bit "I'm going to move into Carrie's." Gumball's ear shot up and he gasped.

"The place where kids sneak in at night to watch her sleep!?" Gumball said loudly. The room analyzed this quickly, and burst out laughing. Darwin groaned, before getting up to sit next to Carrie. Gumball let out a small whimper, and buried his head into his arms. 

He felt a finger tap him. Gumball looked up. "Are you okay?" The beautiful Penny. A ponytail only she could pull off, her unique deer horns poking out of her hair, and her cute brown skirt. Gumball couldn't help smiling. He wasn't into her, due to his homosexuality, but she didn't have to know that.

"Yeah, I am." he sighed. Penny gave him a 'Think I'm gonna buy that?' look. Gumball put his face into his arms again. "I'm worried about Darwin." he said, his voice slightly muffled. Penny nodded, taking Darwin's empty seat. "I can understand. But, sorry to ask, but, of all people, I'd think you hate him liking her instead of being worried." she said. Gumball gulped.

Penny raised an eyebrow. "Just tell me what's wrong." she said, meeting his eyes. Gumball fiddled his fingers. "Come on'.." Penny said. Gumball said nothing. "Look, how long have we known each other?" 

"Five Years."

"And how much do we trust each other?"


"So how often do we keep secrets?"

"108% of the time."

"So pleaseee tell me!" Penny said.

Gumball sighed. "please don't tell anyone. This is really big, and... I don't want to have this get out." Penny nodded. Gumball motioned for her to come over. She followed his instruction, and his whispered into her ear; "I think I like Darwin. Really, like like Darwin." Penny pulled back, nodding.

"It's okay. As the friend code says; Whatever or whoever you like, I love." Penny said. When Gumball's ear's flattened with a hint of jealously, she quickly added "It's a figure of speech." Gumball pulled her into a hug. She was surprised for a split second, but quickly hugged back. She broke the hug, sitting down as Miss Simian came in and started teaching.

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