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Your POV

I ran through the woods, branches scratched my arms and face. Thorns poked at my feet. Behind me, the deadly python dude raced after me. Let me explain...

It was May first when I started living in the woods. I was chased by a semi-truck sized black dog into the woods after shooting it during my archery class. Don't ask. I ran through trees and hid in bushes until one day it stopped. I don't know why but it did. I've been living in the woods ever since.

Many monsters attack me every week. At least four times a week. Now, it's been a few weeks. It's May fifteenth and a giant viper is chasing me. I apparently disturbed its nest or something and now it wants to kill me. Anyway back to the story.

I quickly grabbed an arrow from my quiver and notched it. I stopped abruptly and turned my body to the right, aimed quickly and shot it in the eye. A high pitched screech escaped its mouth. It's overly-large head swung back and forth, trying to get the arrow out.

I tried climbing a tree, but the snake just slithered up with me. I jumped from tree to tree when I finally ran out of trees on one side. I tried jumping to the other side but missed and hit the ground hard.

Once my vision cleared, the python's hypnotic poison green eyes were staring into mine. I squeaked like a mouse as it opened it's mouth. My leg throbbed but I ignored it. I had a bigger threat to deal with.

"Help!!" I cried at the top of my lungs. I knew it was useless as nobody would be around. I whimpered in fear as the pythons's tail grabbed my bow from my hands and crushed it to pieces. A tear fell from my face.

I remembered when my grandma gave me the bow for my birthday when I was seven. That was the last present she gave me before she died in a car accident. It was a little small, but I kept it anyways.

The snake leaned in closer. I could smell it putrid breath coming from its flaring nostrils. It snapped at me when a battle cry rung across the forest.

"Leave her alone!" I turned to see a boy with curly brown hair and elfish features holding a mallet. Next to him was a boy with blond hair and electric blue eyes. He was holding a gold sword that looked to heavy to hold.

Behind them came two boys with reddish brown hair and mischievous eyes. In their hands were silver swords. They looked like brothers. Lastly, a girl with mouse brown hair and deadly eyes came in holding katanas.

The snake slithered back a little, staring at the group. I realized that my mouth was hanging open so I quickly shut it. I slowly grabbed an arrow and stuck it into the python's chest. It reared back and I scrambled away, gabbing the largest piece left of my bow on the way.

I stood next to the deadly, muscular girl in the back. She studied me for a second and grunted.

"What?" I whispered.

"Nothing." She whispered back, turning her focus to the agitated snake. "Let's take it down Leo!"

The boy with curly hair nodded and raised his hammer into the air and shouted, "Attack!"

With that, the group charged forward. I stayed behind, watching the boy who I thought was Leo. He slammed his hammer into the snake's eye I shot with the arrow. The boy with blond hair stabbed his gold sword into the python's chest.

The two reddish brown haired boys took care of the swinging tail that was aiming for Leo and his friend. The girl went around to the other side and out of my line of vision.

Soon, the snake dissolved into a golden dust. Out of breath, the group approached me. Smiling, the boy named Leo stepped forward.

"I'm Leo Valdez." He introduced, grinning like a madman. I shook his hand. "This is Jason Grace..." he pointed to the blondie. He smiled. "This is Connor and Travis Stoll..." he pointed to the brothers. They waved kindly. "And this is Clarisee La Rue." She scowled at me.

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