Campfires and Infirmaries

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Your POV

"So that's cabin one, Zeus's cabin. Where Jason stays at. Okay now that you've seen all of the cabins I want to show you the beach. That's where I'm working on my project." Leo announced.

"Wait! Slow down. What project?" I asked. He just ran off into the woods without answering. I shrugged and raced after him. Sooner or later, I arrived on a beach. Before my very eyes stood a smirking Leo in front of a humungous ship in progress. My leg stopped throbbing.

"Cool huh? I call it Argo II. It's gonna fly!" Leo said amusingly.

"Like the ship in Peter Pan?" I asked. Leo face palmed and I walked to the lovely work. I touched the Celestial Bronze dragon head attached to the hull gently. It's eyes turned and looked at me. I yelped and stepped back.

"It's okay Y/n! Featus is harmless."


"Yeah. He used to be a full sized dragon but he... was destroyed. All I could savor was his head. It's okay because I use him as a lookout."

"Can he speak?" I asked, intrigued. I scooted forward slowly to the dragon head once again.

"He speaks...uh... gears and screws I guess." Leo stuttered.

"Gears and screws?" I raised a brow. Leo's face turned bright with embarrassment. I giggled as Festus made a chain of squeaks and noises of gears shifting.

"He said that he thinks you're pretty." Leo muttered. His face turned darker.

"Really? Well thank you Festus." I smiled warmly at the metal dragon and scratched his chin. Smoke poured out of his nostrils in delight.

"Y/n! Leo!" Someone called from the woods. I turned around to see one of the Stolls. I think it was Connor.

"Hey Connor. It is Connor, right?" I replied.

"How'd you know? Anyway, it's time for dinner." He turned and winked at Leo and ran off. Leo sighed and followed after Connor. I wasn't far behind.

We got to the pavilion and Leo pointed me to the Hermes table where I'd be sitting until I was claimed. I sat down next to Connor and Travis. I looked around at the Athena table in front of us to search for Arthur.

"Who ya looking for?" Connor asked, following my line of vision.

"Nobody. Oh there he is!" I gasped, looking at the blond haired boy.

"Arthur?" Travis asked.

"Yeah. I met him at the archery range. He seemed nice." I replied. I smiled, remembering Arthur's face when I shot bullseye three times. My thoughts dissipated when Connor and Travis both nudged my stomach.

"Ow! What was that for?" I yelped.

"Do you like him? You're staring at him and smiling." Travis asked smirking. Gods I hope I'm not a child of Hermes.

"Oh my gods Travis! No I don't like him that way. He's a friend."

"Mhm really?" Conner mumbled, eating his spaghetti. He slurped up a noodle and sauce got stuck on his nose.

"Umm Connor?"

"Yesh?" He asked, his mouth full.

"You've got..." I pointed to his nose. He went cross eyed looking at his nose.

"Oh... hehe." He giggled, taking his napkin. "But seriously though y/n. Do you like Arthur? Be honest. We wont tell."

"You both remind me of Hikaru and Kaoru from this anime show my sister and I used to watch." ;)

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