Camp Jupiter

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Leo's POV

I had been working on Argo II nonstop. Ever since y/n had been put in the infirmary, I had nothing better to do. Plus we needed to save Percy Jackson from that awful Roman camp. No offense to Jason of course.

I was walking up to the deck to check on the steering wheel when Festus called a warning. It sounded like ewy/Enn. I looked over my shoulder to see the daughter of Apollo strutting down the beach. Her leg was wrapped still, but it seemed to be getting better.

Her h/c hair glistened in the sun, and her e/c eyes reflected off the beach. She looked stunning. I mentally slapped my face. What was I thinking?

"Hey Leo!" She called, smiling.

"Hey y/n! Your leg any better?" I replied, jumping over the side of the ship and landing in front of her on the beach.

"Definitely. I can walk better now. Will said it'll be a few more days until it fully heals. How have you been doing?"

"Oh ya know, just been working on Argo II nonstop. Haven't had a good nights sleep in about... three days? Now I know what you're going to say. 'You should really get some sleep! It isn't healthy!'" I tried to impersonate her voice but it just sounded like a high pitched row of squeaks.

"I don't sound like that!" She complained.

"No, you don't. Most of the times."


"What?" She just stood there giving me the pouty face.

"No. Stop! I hate it when people give me the pouty face." I closed my eyes. It was too adorable.

"You know you want to open your eyes. It's just too tempting." She was probably smirking.

"I... have to get back to work." I said, hurrying back up the ship. No doubt y/n would follow me. My theory was proven correct.

"Leo wait up!" She stretched her arms high into the air, trying to reach the railing of the ship. Now I'm short compared to Jason and the Stolls. But y/n is shorter than me so it's hard for her to get up on the ship. I smiled at the thought of not being the shortest anymore.

"Leo help me!" Y/n called from the beach.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p.'

"C'mon!" She whined.

"Stop being a baby and use the ladder."

"There's a ladder?"

"Uh, yeah." I said, pointing to a ladder not far into the water.

"But that part of the ship is in the water." She complained, already rolling her pant legs up.

"And? Do you want up or not?" I smirk. She sighed and waded into the water. She grabbed the ladder and hoisted herself up. She turned to me and smiled.

"I'm up. Whatcha working on?" She said, peering over my shoulder. "Ooh buttons!"

"Yes buttons. Buttons girls with the name y/n can't touch." I poked her nose.

"Hey! That's not fair. Girls with that name love touching buttons." Y/n joked. I just shrugged, accidentally hitting y/n's chin in the process.


"Sorry!" I said, hugging her.

"Dude. You're literally crushing my ribs."

"Sorry! Again."

"LEOOOOOO!" Someone called from the forest. I didn't have to look to see who it was. Piper.

"Hey Piper!" I called back.

"Hey Leo!" Jason said as well. I turned to see them climbing up the ladder. I let go to of y/n and helped them up.

"Hey Jason. Everything alright?"

"Actually, no. That's what we're here for." I just stood still, not wanting to move in fear that fire would start forming on my body.

"Leo... you remember about Percy Jackson? Well, since he's at Camp Jupiter, we um, need Argo II to be done. Today." Jason explained.

"Also, you know Rachel Elizabeth Dare? She spewed a prophecy. It goes like this:
Eight Half-Bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the
Doors of Death." Piper recited.

"Oh..." that was all I could muster. Y/n put a hand reassuringly on my shoulder.

"Eight Half-bloods huh? We know you three and Annabeth are half of it. Along with Percy Jackson too. Who else?" Y/n asked.

"We need two other Romans and maybe someone else from here. We'll have to ask Chiron." Jason said. I nodded.

"No matter who the eighth demigod is, I want to come along." Y/n said. We all knew by the way she said it that there was no changing her mind.

"Alright then. I can probably have Argo II flying by tomorrow morning." I said confidently. Jason and Pipet nodded, hopped off the ship, and walked away.

"I'm gonna go. I have archery practice with Will soon and I don't want to be late. Bye Leo." Y/n said, giving me one last hug before she parted. Before I knew it, the daughter of Apollo was gone.


I walked through the woods, the stars glistening above me. The trees stood tall and proud, as if daring me to cut them down. Of course I would do nothing of the sort.

I was proud of my accomplishment of Argo II. I couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to get it flying and to Camp Jupiter. Not to mention to finally meet the infamous Percy Jackson.

I crashed face first into a tree. Apparently I wasn't paying much attention to where I was heading. A snicker could be heard to my right. I looked over to see Annabeth.

"Ungh. Hey Annabeth." I said. My voice was a little higher pitched because my nose seemed to me crushed in a little. Annabeth chuckled a little more.

"Hey Leo. You really should watch where you're going."

"Yeah, noted, thank you." I replied sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Annabeth said with a wink.

"So.. what are you doing out this late?"

"Actually, I was sent to check on you. But then I stopped because I saw that you were about to crash into that tree."

"Thanks for the warning." I grumbled. I couldn't complain. I would've done the same thing if I were Annabeth.

"C'mon fire-boy. To the Hephaestus cabin we go." Annabeth said, walking in the direction of camp. We walked and talked for a little until my cabin came into view.

Once I said goodnight to Annabeth, I headed into my cabin and onto my bed. It felt hard under my back, and it took a while to fall asleep. I was so anxious about tomorrow. What would happen? Would the Romans not welcome us? What if we were wrong?

Sorry I've been inactive for such a looong time. Just busy. :/ anyway, I hope you liked the chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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