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Lana could barely breath as Carter stood hardly a few inches from her. She could feel her heart pounding as she looked up into his handsome face, feeling his strong fingers running across the bare skin on her back. "Why...why is it that you always succeed?" she gasped as her trembling fingers came to rest against his sculpted chest.

"Because Lana," Carter said, winking at her as his thumb and index finger closed around the zipper of her gown. "Whenever I see something I want. I don't hold back." He leaned closer so that their lips were less than an inch apart. "I just take it."

As the words left his lips, Lana felt the zipper of her gown steadily sliding downwards, and a moment later, the gown cascaded to the floor, pooling around her feet.


Thanks for checking out Desire and the Senator's Daughter. Where this story goes is up to the readers, so be sure to leave your feedback, and I hope you enjoy!

-D. Drake

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