Part 4: The Avoiding

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The next couple days were... sad and long. I wasn't talking to Sandra, and she wasn't talking to me. I'd try to text her a couple if times, but she didn't respond. I was laying in bed, crying again. I had gotten the part of Olympia, but I declined.

"You ok in there?" I heard Tom say from outside my door.

"I..  I don't know.." I replied. Tom came in and sat on my bed. I sat up and gave him a big hug. He returned the gesture.

"Ok look! Alice and I called off work tonight and we're gonna par-tay!!" He said emphasizing the party part.

"Throwing a party? I don't know, I mean I'm still super sad, and I don't want you guys to go through all that just for me..." I stammered out.

"Bitch! I'm not thrashing the house just for you! We goin' clubbing!!" Tom exclaimed. He looked really happy and excited, so I didnt want to be rude.

"I mean, sure... bitch." I grinned.

"YES! I thought you weren't going to agree! Start getting ready! We're leaving at 8!" He said whilst walking out.

"And by the way, I call people I don't like cunt, CUNT!" He yelled and ran out. I smiled and laughed. He always knew how to cheer me up. I walked into the living room.

"Ah! (Y/N)! I was wondering what perfume I should wear for Amber! Can you be the judge?" Alice asked.

"Of course!" We had a perfume contest and I decided coconut-blueberry fusion was the best.

time skip brought to you by TRANS rights!

We we're about to leave, and I kinda regretted agreeing.

"OK! I got the keys, our IDs, oh and Alice did you grab my vape?" Tom came out of his room saying.

"We're going clubbing, not vaping." She retorted. I laughed and we left. I sighed and calmed down, tonight was going to be fun! At least I think.

We pulled into the parking lot and got out. We went into line and eventually got to the bouncer.

"Women are free before 10. Looks like your the only one who has to pay." He said. He slurred his words, drunk maybe? Kinda weird if your the BOUNCER.

Alice and I walked in and waited for Tom to come in. He eventually came in.

"BITCH SEE Y'ALL LATER!" He yelled before running to the dance floor. I laughed and Alice walked to the bar. I followed, a couple drinks couldn't hurt... right?

when your mom says time skip....

Ok maybe I had like... 15 shots but that's fine, I'm not drunk. I was dancing and I don't know how but in my bra and underwear. I was pulled out by someone.

"Tooooommmmm, Alicccccceeeeeeee?" I asked and hicced.

"Wanna have some fun little girl?" I heard. My eyes immidiantly widened. This was NOT Tom or Alice. I looked over at the man, he was tall and wearing all black. He looked scary. I felt him start unclipping my bra. I pushed away and screamed as loud as I could. He grabbed me and slapped me in the face.
I yelled but no one came. I screamed and hurt my lungs until I felt someone pull me back.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" That voice sounded familiar. Really familiar.

I tried to place my finger on it, I was  so tired and I wasn't thinking straight, but I knew who I was taking me.



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