Chapter 10: The Truth

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Cm. Sharon Loveless marched out of the GUN Command bunker, a briefcase in one hand and a manila envelope in the other. A little bit behind her was a man with a mop of brown hair, and a black trench coat that stretched to his ankles. He smiled at her as they approached to the two waiting Apache attack helicopters. She could see the two reasons for his smile. Their wedding was only a month away. In one month's time she would be Cm Sharon Eclipse. She would still giggle at that dream. And the just recent attack on the Black Arms ammo dump. The commanding officer on the operation had been the newly promoted Brigadier General Shadow the Hedgehog. She had interview the General for his report on the attack. She could see he no longer had the zeal for the military. Once this was all over, she would make sure that Shadow got a nice quiet retirement from GUN. Robert however? No, no, no, no. He was military man through and through. He was one the brilliant unforeseeable men she had ever had the honor of knowing, let alone being the woman of his dream. He was on the list of great military geniuses such as George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Napoleon Bonaparte, Sun-Tzun, Yamamoto, Stonewall Jackson Rommel and many more. But he also had the talent to have a charm and charisma that she had never seen from any man before except her father, who had long ago died in a tragic accident involving a storm, a car and a cliff. She didn't speech with her mother; they had a falling out with her years ago.

But she had started to notice some strange things about Robert. More than once she had seen him walk on the front of his foot and not let his back foot touch the ground. She just took it as he was double jointed. She had seen flashes of red dots inside the color of his eyes. And a cocky smile would form almost whenever you asked him a question. He was being totally out of character.

She entered the chopper with her items and saw Robert enter the empty pilot's chair of the other. He never trusted anyone but himself to fly him anywhere, whether it be from his home to the house only four feet away. He strapped himself in and gave a mock salute from the Apache. Before she could stop herself, a giggle escaped Sharon's lips. The pilot turned around to look at her, his visor up, his eyes the size of dinner plates.

Her face returned back to its stone cold figure. "What are you staring at?" she said coldly, "keep your eyes on the sky!' He turned back in his chair so fast he could have rivaled Shadow or Sonic. Sharon grabbed a newspaper out of her briefcase and began to make like she was reading. Actually, she was hiding the red on her face from embarrassment. A few years ago, her heart would not have allowed such a thing to happen, but now the steel walls that protected her heart had been breached by a certain GUN commander with a mop of brown hair and a black trench coat. He had brought out her loving side like no one except her father had ever done.

She looked at the manila envelope that Robert had given her. Upon it in big bold red print was FOR PRESISDENT'S EYE'S ONLY. What could Robert possiblyknow that she, his fiancé and co-head of GUN not know? And why only the President?

Shadow the Hedgehog impatiently paced back and forth in the Oval Office. He and his family had arrived for the meeting first, so he had enough time to almost wear out the rug under him by walking back and forth.

"Shad," said Sonia annoyed, "please sit down; you're driving me, Sonic and Manic crazy!"

He sat down on one of the pristine white couches between Sonia and Crystal, and was silently relived to do so. The Velcro shoulder pad he had been issued to show his rank had been wearing into his shoulder blades. Velcro! For all their intelligence, GUN command couldn't think of a better and more comfortable way of putting his star on him without it wearing out his shoulder.

He scanned the room to distance his mind from the pad. Sonic, Amy and Whirl sat nervously on the other white couch. Shade was talking with the President about his days in Vietnam. The President didn't mind regaling the youth with his war days at all. And Shadow really didn't mind his son pestering the aged man. At least he was relatively quiet except for the occasional question.

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