Chapter 20: The Thoughts of Two

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Shade walked through the halls of the base, a scowl on his face. He hated being stuck in here. Dad was still furious and when actually he scheduled to train them Umbra started his attack on the Ukraine and on China. This had caused Shadow to have split his forces, Sonia taking a full battalion to the Ukraine, and Shadow to go fight in China. He went to China because he knew all their customs, languages, and tactics. This is insane. I want to help but the moment I get close to getting something done

That idiot brother of mine gets in the way and my plans are ruined! Umbra flew over the Ukraine; his forces in China would prepare everything for his arrival. Right now, he could have some fun as he brooded. How could the missile have failed to disperse that little annoying pest? Everything had been thought of! The trajectory, the radar systems, the calling-card, EVERYTHING! Not even that little whelp of a fox could have . . .! That's it! Tails must have had some form of escape route in case my forces located Prower Command. How could I've been so

Stupid! I walked into Umbra's trap and I lead everyone with me. Shade picked at his peas at the dinner table. Each of the men was wearing their commanding jackets albeit loose and not buttoned up. How he evened each one of them for those jackets. They meant they held power. All Shade was the little trouble maker. Yes that what they think of you. Why should they get all the glory? You did take down a Black Arms Soldier at 13. You should get one. They are just

Stupid! How could I've v not known? I'll just have to rethink certain things. He sent a lightning struck at an elm tree. It burst in to flames for five seconds became ash. All this was just a way to vent his anger. He screamed into the night in his native tongue, "Pacris Sxatrim! That roughly translates as Chaos Cleaver. He brought his hand down and a curved blade of purple energy and it sliced through a Ukrainian tank right down the middle. Although, he thought with a smile as a bead of sweat rolled down his brow from heat of the attack, I think my adventures in St. Petersburg were worth the humiliation. The Emerald in now in my grasp and Shade's blood was rather tasty. I believe everything is going according to

Plan? There was a plan to all this madness?

"Of course, Shade," Tails said it as if was the most obvious thing in the world. "Umbra wants the Chaos Emeralds. I think I believe I know why." To Tails left, Lucas made a coughing noise to get the attention of his father. Tails chuckled a bit, "Ok, we have found out what he wants them for." Tails went over to the front of the table where a 3D projector was.

"Wait," interjected the President, "should we discuss this with the children here?" He had already contacted his generals about him and Commander Loveless being in good hands but they just couldn't reveal themselves yet to the rest of the world.

Tails looked to each of the adults. Many of the mothers (excluding Sonia because she was in the Ukraine) gave reluctant nods, albeit after a moment's hesitation. All the fathers nodded, even Espio, who wasn't even a father, nodded. "If half of the body is shrouded in darkness, then it must drag one way or another," he said using one of his ninja proverbs.

Tails flipped on the projector to reveal an artillery gun-like device. It was black, red and gold. It had a rounded section where it apparently it pivoted to move up and down. The center of the plate on the section had a dark purple and red core and had red levels surrounding it. But it was the actually barrel, if you want to call it that, of the weapon that intrigued everyone at the table. It had multiple spouts each one's ends slanted a different way. In all, there looked to some odd 25 of them. Each barrel had symbol that seemed to be painted on them. Most of them looked unearthly, but two on the top barrel were familiar. The top one was that of the symbol on the back of Umbra's calling-card, the other was the exact same one that Shadow used as his own insignia.

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