Chapter 7

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We meet Aya in this chapter. There is a picture of her to the right when she's a bit older than here. This is anime vision of her. In the cover you can see her in her realistic form.


A large grin came over Falcon lips as he awoke to the sweet aroma of sugared porridge that permeated his room. No doubt his mentor had already prepared breakfast. However, his smile disappeared when he remembered that this was to be his first day at the academy.

When the royal academy had refused to take him in, Falcon had breathed a sigh of relief. But to his misfortune, the royal academy wasn’t the only battle school in Ladria. The Rohad Academy of mercenaries was always another option. The grandmaster of the Rohad academy was one of the few people who still held K’ran in high regard. At K’ran’s request the grandmaster had accepted Falcon into the academy without hesitation.

Falcon dragged his feet to the chair at the end of the room where K’ran had set out his clothes. He picked up the white collared-shirt all the male first-year students wore. It was bland and boring, like his time at Rohad promised to be. His eyes drifted to the scene outside the window. The sun was out and a light breeze blew through the green leaves. It was a perfect day to go hunting with K’ran.

The bed creaked loudly as Falcon threw himself on it and stared up at the log ceiling. This is so unfair! Why do I have to go?

“Almost ready?” called K’ran from the kitchen.

Falcon sighed. “Yes, I’ll be there in a minute.”

He pulled on his blue denim pants and black denim jacket. A student jacket usually had the family crest embroidered on the back. Falcon had no such insignia. Just one more sign to publicly declare he didn’t belong.

As he buckled his belt, he considered pleading with K’ran to let him stay, but he quickly abandoned the idea. What’s the use?He had already begged K’ran over a dozen times. It was strange, it had only been a few days, but already K’ran had become a father figure to him. Unfortunately, fathers had a way of making their sons do things they didn’t always agree with.

“A child needs to make friends and see the world,” was always K’ran’s answer.

Make friends, huh.The idea of him making friends was beyond laughable.

Falcon dragged his duffel bag behind him as he entered the kitchen. A cherry-wood bowl of sweet porridge sat on the small table flanked by sides of ham and pichion eggs. Above it sat a bowl overfilled with dried berries. It was his favorite morning meal.

“Nothing better than a good breakfast to begin the day,” said K’ran, handing Falcon a mug of steamed milk. “I can see you’re excited about your first day at Rohad.”

Falcon loved steamed milk. Nonetheless, he tried to sound as uninterested as possible. Maybe if K’ran saw how miserable he was, he might reconsider the idea of sending him away.

R-iiiight. I can hardly contain myself,” said Falcon, throwing up his hands in mock celebration. “I’m sure all my friends at Ladria are dying to see me too. They’ve been bored without anyone to pick on for the last year.” He took a seat opposite K’ran as he nibbled on a piece of sizzling ham.

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