Ambition and Verve

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Ambition and verve

That's what he was told to dance with.  Ambition and verve were all the things David had to focus on, and he would do fine.  Or, that's what the song told him at least.  

The day was quite humid, and the copper-haired man sweat his ass off in a black tank top and grey, tight-fit sports pants.  The four others in the room worked with him, but David noticed them going slightly off-beat.  He grimaced as the music stopped.

"I don't understand!  Stay on beat!  That's all you have to do!"  The teacher fell into his chair, sighing and wiping his face with the collar of his t-shirt.  "Just take a lunch break.  See you in the next hour."

David got his duffel bag, planning on going to Muffin Topz for lunch to get a coffee, then he'd go from there.  He was on his phone when he felt someone bump into him.  He looked at the person he hit, only to see blonde hair going in the opposite direction.  He huffed, plugging in his ear buds and continuing on.

Lilac Lake Art School was known for its courses, being the best in the area.  At the top of the chain were the dance courses, which usually found people jobs somewhere due to the hard work ethic of the students and teachers.  David was currently listed in a class that basically worked off of a lot of hip hop and pop songs.  Perfect for being a backup dancer and such.  There were also courses for Jazz, Flamenco, Ballroom Dancing, literally anything that you could think of.  David was, of course, invested in all forms of dance.  He found he was best fit for the current class he was taking, however, being able to move fluidly.  Besides, the songs they had to dance to were songs you'd hear on a pop station, which David listened to on a constant basis.

David was going downtown when he noticed a DJ playing music in the streets.  He wasn't surprised, as this was a normal thing.  He ran over, and he immediately heard the song that he was learning in class start to play.  Smiling, he decided to show off, dropping his bag.

-Oh honey I'll do anything for you-

He moved his body slowly, swaying with the music as the first verses flowed out of the speakers.  Eyes were on him and he absolutely loved it.  

-Yeah I can take it, so don't you fake it-

David got on the ground, rolling and picking himself up gracefully.  One of his favorite moves in the song.  Looking into the crowd, he noticed a familiar figure.  No time to focus on that, though, he needed to keep dancing.

-Hey yeah wa-ho, I'm on a roll, riding so high, achieving my goals-

He spun, reaching his hand up to the sky before bringing it back down.  He was faced backwards, his hips swinging with the music.  Arms reached up again, one hand grabbing the other wrist as he kept going.

-I'm stoked on ambition and verve, I'm gonna get what I deserve-

The lyrics he worked off of.  Ambition and verve.  He finished with a drop into a split, and stood back up, panting.  The music kept going in the background, David hearing his own heartbeat above it from the adrenaline.  People clapped, and David nodded at them before going to walk off with his bag.

As he walked to Muffin Topz to get his well-deserved coffee, he felt a tap at his shoulder.  David turned to see the man from the front of the crowd.  He immediately knew why he looked familiar.  He was the guy he'd bumped into earlier before leaving the campus.  And with some harder detail, David could see that they looked somewhat identical.  The only differences were the hair, eyes, and skin.  The man was paler than David, had platinum blonde hair, and ice blue eyes.

"I saw you dancing out there.  You were just stellar!" The man smiled warmly at David, causing his face to flush ever so slightly.

"Oh gosh, that's so nice of you to say!  Thank you so much."  He readjusted the strap of his bag.  "I just wanted to show off what I was learning..."

"Well it was great!  Oh, where are my manners? I'm Daniel Whiteapple." He held out his hand for a proper shake.

"David Forrester, nice to meet you!" He accepted the hand.  Daniel had a firm grip, but David didn't mind.  "Well if you'll excuse me, I'm going to Muffin Topz.  I'll see you around!"

Daniel stopped him.  "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee there together?  My treat."  

"You don't need to do that-"

"Oh no, I insist!"

David gave in, walking with Daniel to the place.  They got some coffee and sat at a table by the window, conversing for the next half hour.  In that time, David found out that Daniel was currently taking classes for Flamenco, but he'd be moving to the Jazz class somewhere in the next month.  They felt that they could talk forever, but David's watch gave him his ten minute notice, causing him to jump out of his seat.  

"I need to go.  I'm sorry, class continues soon and I need to be there."

Daniel nodded "Understandable.  I'll see you around."

The rest of class flew by, David's head filled with Daniel.  He sure was a gentlemen.  David smiled to himself the rest of the way to his dorm.  As he was getting everything out, he noticed a paper with his things that was folded up.  He unfolded it and found a number there.  He chuckled, knowing exactly who put it there.  David put the number in his phone and texted.

It was now eight, and David had put on more casual clothes.  He was wearing a green t-shirt and black jeans, walking to the lake  that was located off to the side of the campus.  From the lake, you could see spooky island, and from there, Camp Campbell was located.  David smiled, knowing that during his Summer Break he'd be returning to his favorite job in the world.

As he approached, he saw a lantern illuminating a spot and a figure wearing a red polo and white jeans.  David smiled, knowing it was Daniel, who had invited him out here in the first place.  

"David!  Glad you could make it."  Daniel turned to him, patting the spot next to him on the grass.

David sat down.  "Why'd you call me out here?"

"I just wanted to get to know you better."

David felt his face flush again, smiling at the man he'd met just a few hours ago.  They talked for hours on end, switching from the school to constellations, and David brought up Camp Campbell.

"You work at a camp during the summer?  The kids must be a lot of work."

David shrugged in response.  "Not usually.  But there's usually one.  Like-" He thought to himself for a moment, suddenly remembering one camper.  "Max!  Max is a bit of a trouble-maker, cussing and starting fights.  But he's a good kid.  His parents don't give him the attention he needs.  That's probably the issue."

"What's he done?"

David's mind pondered this.  Should he tell him about Max killing the original camp mascot?  Tying David to a pole where he was later hit by a bus?  He decided to push that aside, and chose a more relaxed situation. 

"He started a candy monopoly with this other kid, Dolph.  It was a very interesting few days."

Daniel laughed.  They talked about camp for some time, but eventually settled down and just watched the stars.  At some point, David grabbed his phone and earbuds.  He offered one side to Daniel.

"Ever heard of Cavetown?"

David hummed the tune of the second Devil Town, leaning against Daniel as he listened as well.  He felt his eyes grow heavier, succumbing to the slow ukulele playing in his ears, red fabric being the last thing he saw before falling asleep.


Hope you liked this first chapter!  More will come soon enough UwU

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