Like Flowers and Blue Skies

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(Little note: I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been using lines from certain songs for the chapters that also fit the theme.  The first chapter was based off of On a Roll by Ashley O.  The second was I Feel Like Chet by Mxmtoon.  This one is I Wanna be your Girlfriend by girl in red.  Listen to them as you wish.  I'll let you know the theme from now on.)

Six-Thirty was approaching.  David smiled and looked at his outfit.  He wore a white sweater that hung off of his shoulder and casual jeans.  It wasn't fancy, but he wanted to make a good impression.  He'd applied extra deodorant and even put some pine-scented oil onto his wrists and neck.  His alarm for ten minutes before the time, and he ran out of the dorm and onto the street.  

David got to the lake, and like before, Daniel was already there.  He was wearing the same outfit from earlier, but he didn't mind.  


Daniel turned to him. "Davey! What'd you call me out for?"

David sat down next to Daniel, and got second thoughts.  He felt his pulse quicken and he lost his thought.  He shook his head, though, and started.  "I need to talk about something."

"Really?  What a coincidence, I do too." 

David felt his breathing ease.  "You go first.  I can wait."

Daniel looked to the lake.  "So you know how I told you about the guy I liked?  And how you might know him?  Because I really think you do."

David felt his heart sink, but remained determined.  "Well... Give me some defining details.  I'll try to remember."

"Okay.  Well his eyes are a wonderful shade of forest green.  He's got hair that's a fine copper color." David felt his eyes widen.  Wait....

"He does...?"

"Yes.  He's got skin a little tanner than mine.  When I met him, he was wearing a black tank-top and grey sports pants with a white stripe running down the sides."

"Wait Daniel-"

"I wasn't done." He interrupted.  "When I saw him dance he danced to a familiar song.  I believe it was called  On a Roll?  He moved in a manner that I couldn't resist.  I just had to ask him out to coffee and slip him my number." 

David tensed.  Had Daniel really been hinting at him like that in the room when they were talking?  He felt like such an idiot, and mentally face-palmed.

"Daniel... I think I know who he is now..."

Daniel nodded, an awkward smile on his face.  "I knew you would."

"But we've only known each other for two days!  I mean, a while back I started dating someone after three, but it's still sudden!"

"That's what I thought too." Daniel looked down.  "I wanted to just be friends.  I tried.  But I couldn't."

The two made eye contact again, and the blonde continued.  "I realized though... I don't want to be your friend.  I want to-" he stopped himself.

"You want to what?" David quirked his head to the side.  

Daniel suddenly grabbed his face and closed the gab between them.  The kiss was short, and it didn't lead anywhere before Daniel pulled away.  David was left in a daze, his face about seven times redder than usual.  The blonde got up, stepping back.  Was he... tearing up...?  

"I have to go." 

And just like that he was gone.  It took David another half hour before he could pick himself up and go to his dorm, his mind clouded with a fog that wasn't clearing anytime soon.  His phone rang, and he answered without reading the caller ID.  


"David!  I haven't heard anything about Daniel today from you.  What's the tea?"

Gwen.  Of course it was Gwen.  Who else would it be?

"I- I uh-" He shook his head and slapped himself.  

"There was... progress..."


Daniel was walking the streets of the campus.  He had no classes today, so he took a walk in the wooded areas around the lake.  He was wearing his camp counselor uniform.  It looked casual enough to be worn normally and it was the best outfit to wear when doing walks like these.  They were also secluded most of the time, so he was surprised to hear the person he needed to talk to.

"David!  David wait up!"

Daniel's voice sounded desperate.  It was something David hadn't heard from him in the three days that they'd known each other.  He sat on a fallen tree, the log being perfect for a resting spot.  He watched Daniel run over.  The blonde stopped for a moment, catching his breath, but started again.

"I need to talk to you about-"

"Last night."  David finished for him.  Daniel gave a nod, looking away.

"Listen, I probably came on strong, and I'm sorry if you're not comfortable that I ki-... That I got that close to you.  If you don't want to talk to me, or if you just want to be friends, then that's fine.  I just need to know."

David patted a spot next to him on the log, to which Daniel sat down. 

"You're acting as if I rejected you yesterday.  You didn't let me respond.  Not that I could."  He laughed a little, remembering that he could barely even talk to Gwen.  "But I don't want to not talk to you ever again.  That's extreme."

"So you still want to be friends...?"

David rolled his eyes.  "And Gwen called me naive."

Daniel sat upright, a look of confusion plastered over his face. "I'm not following..."

"When you told me you were going after someone in the room the other day, especially after dancing with me twice, I got sad.  I thought that after dancing to the movie, something was happening between us.  Knowing that you were just trying to be discreet actually put such a weight off of my shoulders."

Daniel's eyes were slightly wider than usual, but he calmed, and let out a big sigh.  He leaned in close again, and this time David got the message.  Before long, they were connected again, and this time the kiss lasted longer.  It was slow with sensual undertones.  The kiss you'd find described in a romance novel.  David moved closer to Daniel, who had moved his hand from the log to the back of David's head.  

They needed air, so naturally, they parted.  David smiled.  "That was-"

"I'm not done."

Before he knew it they were right back where they were before, but this time it was more touchy.  Daniel had one hand in David's hair, the other on his thigh.  David had his arms wrapped around Daniel's neck.  It was a scene, honestly.  Both were thankful that no one else was in the forest at the moment.  After another minute passed, they both let go again.  David did feel like he wanted more, but settled on looking at Daniel.  Tears welled in his eyes.

"Oh, Davey are you crying?"

David nodded, wiping his eyes.  "I was just so worried that night.  I wanted to talk to you about the same thing, but I was scared that you wouldn't like me back."

Daniel hugged him tight, and they stayed like that, only focusing on the sounds of the forest.  After a bit, Daniel looked at his watch, and got up.

"I have to get to my classes.  I get a day off tomorrow though.  Promise to visit me?"


Daniel looked over to David.  "Davey?"


"I like the ascot."

On a Roll // Danvid Dancer AUWhere stories live. Discover now