Maybe It's a Permanent Scar

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(SONG: Defeated by Atlas)

(This chapter is only 800-900 words, but the next chapter will definitely be longer, I swear on my life)

The alarm blared in Daniel's ears, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes.  Camp was finally over, and today was the day that the children would get picked up.  David was already awake, starting to pack so that they could all leave by the end of the day.  They'd leave at eight and arrive at around Midnight, and school would start two days later.  Daniel would start his Theology course, and David would be finding another course to pursue, as his dance course was finished to get his Bachelor.  Now he wanted to have a master in Forestry.  He would love to have a job focused on conserving nature's most important things; Trees!  

"Daniel, wake up." David shook the mentioned man, who groaned.

The counselor planned a last day activity pack for the campers.  They had stations for different things.  One for friendship bracelet making, another for messing with a piano found in Campbell's old hideout, and many more.  David had even ordered a crate pack of Capri-Moons and ice cream for the end of the day.  

After ice cream, the campers had to be picked up.  Everyone went on the bus, but one camper stayed behind for a minute.  Max.


"Yes Max?"

The short boy hugged the counselor's legs.  It lasted longer than the hug at Parent's Day, David actually being able to process it.  

"I know about you and Daniel... And I heard the conversation that one day.  I'm sorry that I've been a little shit.  But this fucking nightmare of a camp.... It's the best thing I've got."

Daniel stumbled onto the situation, smiling gently at the sight.  Max pulled back from the hug, and pointed at Daniel. "Take care of him or I'll fuck you up."

Max left for the bus, a sincere smile on his face as he looked back at David, who was tearing up.  Daniel gave him a soft kiss as the bus pulled off.  Nurf pulled down the window.


They pulled away and waved to the kids until the bus was out of sight.  Holding hands, they walked back to the camp to clean up and pack for the trip in two hours.


The car played some sort of Lofi station on low volume as David drove.  Gwen was in the back seat again, snoring as she slept.  David was fine with her laying down as long as she had the waist belt on, and she followed that rule, so he didn't mind it.  Daniel had his hand placed on David's thigh, just rubbing it in a soothing way.

"I see what you meant."

David looked at Daniel for a second, but focused on the road again.  "About what?"

"Those kids.  Max, mostly.  They act tough but... I know they're good.  Except for Nurf."

"Yeah he's stabbed both of my hands in the same day."

"I'm sorry he WHAT?"


They had been on the road for an hour, and the sun went down.  David and Daniel switched places, the redhead having an issue with driving at night.  

"Hey so I want to ask two things."  David was reading a book, but started conversation anyway.

"Go ahead."

"Should I do Forestry for my Master's degree?  It earns you a job in big-shot places that conserve trees and wildlife, and you know how strongly I stand for that."

Daniel chuckled.  "Oh I know.  But I think you should do it!  It'll be nice.  Wouldn't that be an interesting mix?  Pastor and an..." he thought of something.  "Eco-activist?  Is that a word?"

"We can make it one."  David chuckled.

The landscape slowly turned from forest and rural towns to the more Urban areas, and soon the school was back in view from a distance.  It was only eleven, which made them an hour early, meaning they could rest more.  

When pulling to one side of the campus dorms, they had to kick Gwen out of the car.  She wouldn't leave, claiming it was 'too comfy'.  David decided to spend the night at Daniel's, as they didn't have a schedule for tomorrow.  It was their last day of break, and Daniel wanted to spend it together.  

When the room was finally opened, Daniel just fell onto the couch, tired after driving for three hours.  David straddled him and started peppering his face with kisses before collapsing on top of him.  They both fell asleep at around the same time, not even bothering to wrap up in a blanket.  


Daniel's face showed a look of concern for a moment, David catching it.  "What's up?" Daniel put the phone down.

"Nothing much.  Amber Alert.  Some kid got away.  But what do you expect?  It's from that one city that isn't too friendly."  David got concerned.  A kid missing?  That wasn't so great.  

The rest of the week went perfectly fine.  Their schedule resumed back to normal and they soon forgot about the amber alert.  David assumed that whoever was missing was found.  Between a lot of things, David decided to take his small wardrobe and few belongings and move them into Daniel's place.  He even made some money selling his small bed and futon.  Daniel already had that stuff, and if he was moving in, he wouldn't need it.  

It was a slow morning.  David had another break day, meaning the dorm was his for the day.  He was chilling with sweatpants and a sweater, the weather slowly getting colder.  He had some tea in his hand, slowly sipping at it while a drama show played.  That's why he was surprised when he heard a knock at the door.

Opening it, he was ready to greet whoever was there, but saw no one.  That's when he heard it.  Sniffling coming from below him.  He looked down to see a certain kid with a familiar hoodie.


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