Chapter 2

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Finally after a long year of school we are going back to Gravity Falls, Except. Grunkle Stand and Grunkle Ford are still on the Stan o' war ll and wont be back for another week. So we are leaving a little later than usual, but Hey Im just excited to go back.

Mabel came boucing into my room. "DIPPER!!!!!"

"Hey Mabel" I casually said too focus on packing

"Are you excited to leave this weekend?"

"Uh... Mabel this weekend is tomorrow."

"Wait... No no no no!"

"Lemme guess you havent packed yet?" As to answer my question she ran out of my room to hers. I just sat there and chuckled, and soon once again got caught in my thoughts or so to say memories....

This happens every year we go back, over the couple of days before we leave I relive what happen the first year we went to Gravity Falls. First with the gnomes and so forth all ending with the same thing Weirdmageddon. I remember thinkging that I was gonna die and how it was all my fault, If I didnt take Fords offer than it never would have happen. Mabel would not have been trapped in a bubble, and Bill would have never gotten out of the mindscape. But the way Bill was defeated always made me a little sad, of course I told no one, I was kinda scared to know.

"DIPPER!" I was scared out of my thoughts

"Yeah Mabel?"

"We called for you like 4 times bro bro, are you alright?" Mabel is still the same Mabel as four years ago loving, funny, nice and the best sister ever.

"Yeah Im good Mabel, Just the same thing as every year."

"Oh okay, well its time for dinner dip dot, after we have to get bed. We have a big day tomorrow!! WHOOO HOOO!" As Mabel ran down the hall shouting, I couldn't help but smile it was gonna be another great summer, just hanging with Ford and Stan and having a great time.

*Time skip*

That night I had a dream about being in the forest again, just sitting under a tree reading a book like always, someone stepped from the shadows. The male had blonde hair, his wardrobe consisted of a black eye patch over one eye, black dress pants and a yellow and black tailcoat with a brick like pattern on it. Something about him was eerily familiar. The male just looked at me and told me to be ready and just as fast as he came he left, and once again I was alone only this time wondering, be ready for what?

Mabel had to wake me up that morning, I really couldn't sleep well after that dream, but I got up, showered, got dressed for the day, ate breakfast with my family then left to Gravity Falls. But I couldn't focus on being excited or sleepy, I was to concerned with my dream warning and who the male might be. But of course just like feeling sad with how Bill ended, I wont tell anyone.

Weirdmageddon Revenge (BillDip)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن