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It has been about a year since Pyronica started Weirdmageddon Revenge and since Bill died, but I didbt let this stop me. After everyone left the burial sight the day we buried him, I made a silent promise that I will kill her as vengeance for him and I swear I heard him whisper.

"Thats my Pinetree, don't let her win."

Since that day I have been training even harder with my fighting, and practicing with guns so my aim is better that way when the time comes I can end her and Weirdmageddon Revenge.

"Im coming for you Pyronica"

*Pyro's POV*

I slowly laughed and circled around the lump on the floor, surprisingly he looked the same.

"So Cipher, do we finally have a deal? You join us, help capture the pines, and once they are captured I wont cause any harm."

Bill sit on the floor, It was blood from Pyro punching him, trying to break him. He looked up at her crying.

"Fine, but please don't hurt him" he hold his hand up.

"Actually Cipher, I don't want your help. I want the pines to myself, because I know that they are coming for me and as I did a year ago with you I will kill them."

She turns and walked off with an evil grin on her face while I scream after her.

"Pyronica please don't do this! Please Im begging you."

"Maybe this will teach you not to cross demons Bill and teach you not to fall in love." She slams the door and I'm left there sobbing.

"Im so sorry Pinetree I failed you. But I know you this isn't the end." I whisper then pass out.

A/N: This is the end of this one, I think I am going to make a second book, I am not sure yet. Let me know if I should! Anyway Im sorry the fight scenes were so short that was the first time ever that I have written one so I did my best! See y'all next time!

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