Rest In Peace Ginger

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Warning triggers head plus gory content.
Just as the title says Ginger will die.

I woke up to me feeling cravings for sweets hit me hard.
What I mean cravings, well let me explain....
I call them my Period Cravings.
They can occur three days before my period and during my whole period.
With my period disorder me having cravings is normal, but it's like I'm pregnant but not.
I eat more too.
I'm having cravings bad for like anything sweet right now, but my mind is dwelling on Hostess Cupcakes right now.
I woke up at noon by the digital clock which is lit up on Eric's desk.
So I got up rummaging around the office for anything to eat.
Which I found nothing but a box of condoms and one dildo in a drawer.
I snort doing an Ew face.
"Seriously ew."
I shut the drawer.
The box of condoms was the size of a box tin of Pokemon cards.
My stomach cramped and it wasn't a hunger cramp.
" not after what they said last night!"
I scurry out of the office and to the bathroom, the girls bathroom, and go to the same stall I used, shutting the door.
"Please no! I was spotting a week ago though."
With my periods even on the pill, even after I've had it, I can bleed another week after, then start two weeks later.
I pull my pants down and see I bled a little on my blue bikini panties.
"Fuck my life!"
I shout hitting my hand on the door.
"Why me?!"
I sigh grabbing several layers of toilet paper, and put it on my underwear for now, which won't hold up I know so.

I heard screaming in the bathroom, making me jump when I open the door with my pants up now, seeing Ginger THE Ginger screaming at me.
"Hey! That hurts my ears bitch!"
I say openly to her.

"Sorry. You scared me hittin the door."
Ginger smiled at me.

Like Eric said in the show, Ginger has been glamoured so many times her brain's fried.
"It's fine. Do you have any pads Ginger?"

"Yes I do."
Ginger smiled at me.
"Eric told me to buy some overnight ones last night."

"Gimme one please."
I ask her.

"Okay let me go get them."
She left out of the bathroom, coming back with a Dollar General sack, which had a paper on it with my name on it.

How he knew I was about to menstruate  was beyond me, but it kinda sent creepy factor chills through me.
"Excuse me while I use these."
I took the bag from her, and shut the stall door.

I threw away the toilet paper on my undies, which were stained a little in blood in the toilet.
I then put paper along the toilet, then sat down, putting my pad on.
Once it was on I pull my britches up, sighing in relief.
"Are you okay?"
Ginger asked.

"I'm fine. Do you have anything like hostess cakes in the bar?"
I ask Ginger as I left out the stall, and wash my hands ten times over to get the germs of me, getting blood on me off my hands.
Yep I get blood on me alot from having my period, comes with having a period disorder called Dysmenorrhea.

"Hostess cakes? No, but I can make a peanut butter and butter sandwich?"
She asked me as I follow her to Eric's office and put the bag of pads under his desk.

I then left out the office shutting it behind us.
"That's fine it might stop the cravings. But I doubt it."

"Cravings? You pregnant?"
Ginger asked as she began fixing me a peanut butter and butter sandwich.

"No I get cravings with my once a month thing, it's normal. It's kiiinda like I'm pregnant but I'm not it's just my hormones kicking in gear to eat carbs since I bleed a lot more than normal girls."
I tell Ginger.

"Oh, I knew a girl in school who had that problem, she was fat, and boys picked on her alot. She grew her boobs in early they picked on her, and they picked on her for her pads showing in her clothes."
Ginger says.
"What was her name?"

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