Chapter 3: The DX

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As me and Ash were walking to the DX I seen Soda pop. Soda pop is really hot. He's taller then me. He's loyal, kind, trusting, encouraging, has beautiful blue eyes, strong, brave, He's definitely not John. Wait. What am I thinking?! I have a boyfriend! I like John! But is it possible I like Soda too? As soon as me and Ash entered I stopped. I seen John and Sandy again! I mutteres under my breath. I said to Ash," go on in. Give me a minute." Ash," okay." She walks on in while I walked quietly to them and see them making out. I started to tear up. I was shaking at the sight I was seeing. John and Sandy having sex at the back of the DX. I ran to the doors to get Sodapop. "SODA!" I screamed. "Yeah?" He yells back and heads to the front. "Follow me. You need to see this too." I said walking quietly back to see John and Sandy doing it. This time I wasnt only shaking and on verdge of tears but also angry and shocked at what I was about to do. I waited until they got done and put clothes on. Then out of no where I punched Sandy bin the face. (fight and cuse warning! Be ready)
Sandy screamed out,"YOU BITCH!" I nailed her in the nose and hit her in the stomach. "YOU DIRTY SLUT!" I screamed at her. So me and Sandy got into a huge fight. I was winning. Soda stopped me from finishing her. I looked John dead in the eyes and said,"How could you?! I don't ever wanna see you again were through!" I ran off into the DX and hugged Steve. Steve hugged me back after watching the camera's with Ash. Ash also hugged me while i was hugging Steve. Soda comes back in looking bloody. I looked at Soda and I said while crying," what did you do?" He said," Gave your boyfriend a taste of his own medicine like you did Sandy. Thank you Sky for bringing this to my attention.Your truly an amazing friend." "n-no p-p-problem", sky cries. Soda hugs up Sky and tells her sweet things to cheer her up. Sky finally calmed down enough to hear what Ash and Steve both have to say. "So? Ash and Steve what's the news?" You thought as Sodapop said. Steve," well, Ash is now my girlfriend." Ash turns a bright red. "Y-yeah", Ash looks down and smiles big. Sodapop and I both said at the same time,"CONGRATULATIONS!" Steve and Ash thanked us.

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