Chapter: 4

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His next victim was not easy, well he thought she was easy, but it turns out that she was a fighter, a pretty good fighter at that. He didn't want to play chase and catch but this girl, she was something else. She ran like her life depended on it, technically, it did; giving him a hard time to catch up to her. She wasn't just a good fighter but she runs fast, so fast that he was totally out of breath by the time he caught up to her, thanks to the tree branch that popped out of the ground making his prey tumble and fall to the ground. Well, not even the pretty bad fall stopped the girl. He yanked her hair hard, pulling her back to the ground, she screamed and kicked violently.

"If you are not going to cooperate, you are going to give me a hard time and... you are going to have a lot of pain than you imagined. So stop kicking and screaming and get your butt off the ground!" He yelled, losing his patience.

He never lost his patience until now, he taunted his victims, played with them, gave them a sliver of hope and then... and then a merciless shot into their throats. After his wife died and his son left him alone for a stupid girl in the city, he had gone crazy, lonely and most of all bored. He had become so depressed that he had to take help from his psychiatrist and when she couldn't help him, when she couldn't understand his sickness, he killed her too... "It didn't have to come to this, you see. If you had left some humanity in you."

"You are one to talk, you monster!" She spat at him and he chuckled.

This was surprising to him, he never let his victims scream, and talking to him like that, she should have some guts!

A devilish grin spread across his lips as he kept dragging her, through the woods, not caring for the stones that might poke her or hurt her; she is anyway going to die!

He dragged her to the lake, the night seemed so quiet, unfortunately for him. He can't shoot her, not with the woods so silent. So, he choked her to death, a silent death. He didn't give hope to this one. she had done enough, screaming like that when the town was asleep; and now he had to play a game with the detectives behind him. And he must play a clever game for the detective's fiancée might have seen him, but he was quite sure she didn't, but the way she ran... who knows, it's always better to play carefully.

He most certainly knew the detective would come to the woods when his fiancée told him about his... little stunt that he pulled at her. He knew the town so well, its people, even better. He had kept an eye on them, all of them.  He always kept an eye open for the young detective helping his old man.

He made sure there was no sound in the background when he called the detective the next morning. He wasn't stupid enough to keep talking for the detective to track him down, neither was he scared of the two pretty little detectives, one so young and emotional and the other so old and a stickler.

"Until next time Jason." He had said and cut the call.

He chuckled at his own intelligence, so was his confidence... Alas! The poor man was gloating about himself too much to pay any more attention to the 'young and emotional' and the 'so old and a stickler.'


Jason had listened to the recorded voice call over and over again, he had got that morning. This so familiar voice was eating at his brain. He knew this voice... He has spoken to this voice... but who was it? It was three hours since he walked out of the study or eaten anything or spoke anything. He had to find out and all this will be over soon, that one thought made him keep listening to the voice, repeating all the people he knew from the station, his friends, his relatives... anybody he could think of, he didn't want to leave anybody out when his fiancée was involved. No, he wouldn't let anything happen to her, not with him on this case. He will find out who the mad man behind this is, he would put him behind bars for the rest of the mad man's life or... make sure he gets his death sentence for all those innocent souls he had taken.

'Innocent' the word played through his mind... were those girls really innocent? No, no way he was going to think that, no way he was going to let the mad man play with him. Whatever the girls had done or if they had done anything, they did not deserve this... NOBODY does.

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