A warning

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Kyoya's Pov

"Son four girls will be transferred to your school tomorrow. You are by no means to anger any of them. One girl is named Hikari Ling try to befriend her it will benefit us very well, " says My father.

"Yes, father, " I say and leave the room. It was the next day and I see four girls walking together in the hall. They stood out extremely. One had white hair, another black what struck me was her red eyes, the other had Orange hair which in itself is not normal in Japan, finally, the last girl had plum hair with hot pink tips. I walk up to them. This causes the plum haired girl to glare at me.

"Hello I am Kyoya Ootori are you new by any chance?" I ask kindly.

"No shit Sherlock, " says the girl with plum hair.

"Well can I show you around by any chance? " I ask kindly.

"Nah I got this, Vi your class is down that hall just find the room number. Dia and Mo down that hall. I hit up the 4th year hall, " says the plum haired girl. She walks past me ignoring me and heads to her class. I will talk to them some other time.

Honey's Pov

It was the beginning of the 4th year of my high school life. We all sit down and the teacher walks in.

"We have a new student, " says the teacher. In walks a girl not wearing school dress code. She had plum hair with pink tips. She had a mask and her eyes were a striking green and pink.

"This is Hikari Ling, please try to get along with her. Hikari you will sit between Honey and Mori. Raise your hands, " says the teacher. Takashi and I raise our hands and she sits in between us. Throughout the class, she stays silent and looks out the window as she twirls her pencil.

"If your so focused on the outside world answer this equation, " says the teacher. Hikari stands up and writes T=55.

"This is child's play teach, " says Hikari in a clearly bored voice. The bell rings and Hikari was the first out the door. It was lunchtime and the Host club decided to do an outside hosting for lunch. We get outside and find four girls in the spot we were going to use.

"Uhm ladies do you think we can steal this area from you?" Asks Tamaki. I notice one of the girls is Hikari from my class. She stands up and glares at us.

"No this is our spot so back off, " says Hikari with a glare. Some girls squeal.

"That's Hikari~senpai I hear she's already a hit with the guys and girls for the school she's been called the black rose of Ouran recently, " says a girl.

"Hello, ladies am I not as important as Hikari. Because I promise to show you more attention than her, " says a girl with Orange hair.

"That's Molly she's American and a worldwide model I wish I had a body like her. She's always wearing a new fashion. She's super flirty and I just can't stop wanting her to pay attention to me, " says another girl. A girl with black hair puts a hand on each of their shoulders much like Takashi.

"That's Victoria Evans it said she actually has royal blood in her. She took over the music class today and the choir has never sung better. It's sad she's not talkative much like Mori, " says a girl to her friends.

"Come on we can move, " says a girl with white hair.

"That's Nadia she's the owner of a company called Black Tulip the school gets all its plants from the company," says the girl's friend.

"No this is our spot so back off, " says Hikari.

"Why can't we share Hikari~chan?" I ask her.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Asks Hikari.

"Hikari~chan?" I say again. She glares at me but sighs.

"Don't call me that squirt, " says Hikari.

"Hikari if we leave Victoria promises sweets, " says Nadia.

"If it's pocky and mochi I'm out of here, " says Hikari. They nod. Hikari sighs and picks up the food. They leave the area and our guest's sigh.

"There goes the Black Rose, Yellow Rose, Blue Rose, and Rosebud of Ouran, " sighs our guests. We watch as the girls walk away. Later we walked by the group again.

"You girls going to the dance the stupid host club or something are preparing?" Asks Molly.

"Maybe, " said Nadia. Hikari shrugs and Victoria nods.

"Well I'm going, no way I'm going to miss being center of attention. So Hikari I'm gonna need you to make me a dress, " says Molly. Hikari sighs.

"I'll make us all one I swear if they don't have decent food I'm sending in the mafia, " says Hikari. We were unsure if she was honest or joking but we took no chances. Time to get some info.

Hikaru's Pov
Kaoru and I were in charge of getting info. We went after Hikari's friend Molly White. She's American and a model always showing the newest fashions from around the world.

"Hi Molly I am Hikaru and this is my twin Kaoru. I hear you and your friends are coming to the party. May we ask what you guys like?" I ask.

"Hmm, I guess I have always been a fan of cookies at parties, Victoria loves finger sandwiches especially cucumber sandwiches. Oh and Nadia loves chocolates mixed with booze and fine meat platers. Hikari is hard to say, she doesn't like many things. Not really sushi unless on a conveyor. She loves Japanese and Chinese sweets oh and cake. She likes cake. Oh and she likes some sandwiches like turkey and ham but hates roast beef, " says Molly. We nod and leave and report back to Kyoya about what we learned.

"Okay, we will make sure we have those things I wonder if we could get a conveyor to rotate our sushi, " says Kyoya to himself wandering off.

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