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Harry was 18 years old but just according to his age. According to his mind he was like a 6 years old. Harry's father and harry got in a accident when he was 14 .

His father died but harry got serious brain injury which lead him to behave this way. Anne really didn't had anytime for harry.

After his husband's death she took the responsibility of "styles corporations ".
She wanted to stay busy . She tried to avoid harry because he made him remember of his husband. And watching your only son behaving this way is not pleasant for anyone.

She hired 2 peoples.

One had the responsibility of harry's driver and giving him bath. Harry was still not able to bath alone without injuring himself.

And that person was niall. Harry loved niall. He called him nialler
Niall was a cool guy according to him . He would give harry his favorite cupcakes. And that was enough for harry.

Other was louis . He was harry's full time caretaker. That means he used to stay with harry all day. He would make harry breakfast, lunch and dinner. Take him to park, play with him and teach him. Louis knew harry needed love and friends.

Harry's friend left him after the accident and he couldn't go to school due to bullying.

Everthing was fine till now. Harry had a habit of louis and louis would alwsys be there as a friend and parent.

But well fate is fate . Louis got in car accident and was dead on spot.

Anne hired some caretakers but they weren't ready for taking a full time job. Saying they have a family and they can't stay in the mansion whole day.

Harry never called louis by his name. He always called him bestie. Because according to him the person who who stays with him the whole day is his best friend.

Harry many times asked about louis but when he didn't got any proper answers .he stopped but not before one of the caretaker answered him that louis died.

His innocent mind wouldn't understand its meaning. He just thought why can't he die too if that makes him meet louis.

His question changed with time.

"When will he come back ?"but people would just give him sympathies.

Then anne found zayn. Zayn has gone through a lot and didn't believed in relationships. He was alone and he didn't minded the job.

When zayn first came to meet harry anne introduced him as his new caretaker.

Harry already liked the raven haired boy. His cheekbones, eyes ,tattoos all attracted him.

"Hey!I'm zayn" zayn extended his hand.

Harry took zayn's hand in both his hands and squeezed it.

Zayn gave him a polite smile.

"Are you gonna stay?"Harry asked.


"For a long time ?"


"Can I ca.." but before harry could finish zayn cutted him off.

"Call me sir or zayn ".

Harry's little heart broke at that but he didn't showed it and just nodded his head.

Zayn was different then louis. He wouldn't joke around with harry or give him his favourite food all the time.

Zayn was strict and harry just wanted to make his mom and zayn happy. He was afraid that if he didn't followed zayn's order . Zayn will leave him

Zayn didn't used to play with harry in park.

one shots (zarry )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang