The Faceless Man (part one)

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A/N: So this one is a 2 parter because I litterally had the night one night after the other. A little background knowledge the people in this particular story are My girlfriend, who will most likely be referred to as "Nat" and my best friend, Krist. As I said this might not be scary to you but it was to me. Enjoy.

Krist, Nat, and I had decided to go to a carnival during the day, as I wanted to spend time with them both and for Krist to meet my girlfriend of three years. It was gloomy out, almost like it was about to start pouring down rain. Of course Krist and Nat wanted to go rode the tallest ride at the carnival, The Shell Shocker.

I looked up to the sky. "It looks like it could rain at any second, maybe we should just head home and come back another time...?" I said to them both.

"Oh Come on Gillian, it will be fun, don't worry about the rain we've still got plenty of time before it starts, we can ride the Shell Shocker and then leave." Nat of course encouraged this idea and we went to the roller coaster.

At the very top of the coaster, with all three of us sitting side by side with me in the middle, I look at the ground and see a man wearing what looks like a rain poncho at the control panel. He seems to be fiddling with the control panel like he doesn't know what hes doing.

As the roller coaster drops down the steep descent Krist and Nat both get thrown from the cart we were sitting in, their safety handles thrown up leaving me to scream as they disappeared from either side of me. I heard them both scream for me to help and then a loud CRACK at the sound of their body's hitting the pavement.

I can do nothing but sit in horror until the ride comes to a stop. As soon as it's over I rush to their body's to find them horribly mangled on the hard con create. Their body's twisted in inhuman positions.

I kneeled to the pavement crying and shut my eyes, behind me I heard the tapping of shoes, overwhelmed in my grief I ignore them as the man grabs the back of my head and stabs me in the neck with a needle. (Which I assume is filled with some sort of drug to tranquilize me.)

As I fall back on the pavement I look up and see the man with no face, no defining features except a horrible gash across his face that dripped blood onto my own face. Then I blacked out and woke up in the real world.

A/N: I was obviously very confused how could something feel so real and then turn out to be a nightmare. I texted my best friend and now I put it on wattpad. Enjoy. Part 2 of this night terror will probably come soon. Maybe tomorrow or later this week. If you read this I hope you enjoy it.

My Night Terror BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora