The Shadow in The Door

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A/N: nobody reads this, but oh well, I'm gonna keep writing it because I enjoy writing it. :)

    As I drifted off to sleep one night I stared at the open doorway, the gaping blackness that seemed to seep into my room and touch everything even with the T.V. on. The more I stared, the darker it became, a figure starting to be outlined in comparison to the rest of the darkness. Suddenly a chill filled the room, forcing me to pull my blankets tighter around as I stared, not looking away once from the mouth of the door.

   Slowly the figures eyes opened, blood red piercing eyes stared directly at me and filled me with a sense of dread. Hands. No. Claws, began to grip my door frame, leaving huge scratches where the hands moved.

  The claws moved across the room, stretching to the bed I was in. I pressed myself flat against the wall, trying to hide from the bloody claws. I shut my eyes tight, wishing it was over as I suddenly let out a blood curdling scream. Its claws were in my side, piercing through my organs as it dragged me across the bed and to its gaping mouth. Inside were hundreds of rows of teeth, each row separated by the dismembered body parts of its previous victims who just like me could do nothing but scream and beg for mercy.

   As the teeth crunched down on me, filling me with a searing and mind numbing pain I awoke once more. It was 2 am, the only thing in the door was my little dog, Arcane. He jumped on my bed to comfort me as I trembled in fear and closed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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