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jisung: are you up?

jisung: if you are, you're actually being watched

minho: what are you talking about

jisung: is your heart beating quickly? are you afraid of the impending doom of the unknown that's about to sink down on you unexpectedly?

minho: jisung what the heck are you talking about?

jisung: you never know what could be out there, staring at you through your bedroom window right now

jisung: beware

jisung: :)

minho: jisung what the fuck

jisung: i

jisung: fuck i'm so sorry

minho: ???

minho: jisung why did
you send those texts?

jisung: fuck

jisung: its my shitty friends

jisung: they took over my phone for me while i was out for a couple minutes

jisung: i'm so sorry

minho: your friends?

jisung: yeah, my stupid friends chan and jeongin

jisung: why do you sound so surprised that i have friends lmao?

minho: i'm not, i'm just

minho: really freaking scared right now. i dont have a roommate and i'm all by myself

jisung: i'm so sorry. they like to pull pranks like that a lot

minho: well, i'm still really freaked out

minho: my heart is still
beating really fucking quickly

jisung: here, i'll uh, i'll sing you a song to calm you down

jisung: i'll call you

incoming call from 'jisung'

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