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   I was training in the training in the gym, early in the morning, an activity I had taken up ever since I'd gotten back from Wakanda. It was my 17th birthday, and of course Dad and Pepper we're still asleep. 

  One part of the other me that remained in my head was the short sleep hours, which meant sleeping from 11 til 4. To be honest, I was fine with it, along with the language and fighting skills. My hair had grown to a cute bob length, though I kept the side with my scar shaved, mainly because it looked cool, but also because it annoyed the board of the company because it 'would reflect badly on Stark Industries'. 

    I kicked at the punching bag, funnelling my frustration through each kick. Honestly, it was therapeutic. Eventually, I calmed down, walking back through the halls of the penthouse, unwrapping my hands as I went. 

I grabbed a boxed water from the fridge and quickly drank it. I grabbed my phone from the kitchen side and began to check through it. No one had text me, so instead I just flicked through social media, mainly twitter, and responding to followers. Eventually, I got bored. 

     I wasn't allowed in the lab on my own now, so that was out of the question. I'd just finished my degree so I was taking a break from studying. I couldn't watch TV because it might wake up dad and Pepper. And I couldn't call any of my friends because they'd all be asleep or studying. 

   I took to wandering around the company at five am in my pajama's. Granted, it wasn't the smartest idea considering the first shift of workers would be arriving in an hour and the night guards were still walking around, but I honestly didn't care. I wondered through the halls, listening to music and looking into the dark rooms that surrounded me. Despite being slightly eary, I wasn't bothered by it.

   Eventually, it was almost time for the first employee's to start working, so I began going back up to the penthouse to make breakfast for Pepper and Dad. I asked FRIDAY to pull up a recipe for French toast. I began cooking the food, along with some bacon and some fruit along side with it. 

    "Hey, FRI, can you tell Dad and Pepper that breakfast will be ready soon?"

   "Of course Leah. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

   "Erm... Oh yeah, do we have anything planned for today?"

   "Your father has a meeting he has to go to at two this afternoon, but I have a feeling that he'll be trying to cut as short as possible."

    "Hey! Don't snitch on me FRI, that's not cool!"

    "Only an observation sir."

   "So, cooking on your own birthday? As I remember, this would be the first one we'd actually be celebrating together, considering what happened the first time."

   "Yep. But I mean, I want to just spend today with you and Pepper. You're my family. Honestly that's all I want to do."

    "How about we all go on a walk this morning then?" Pepper suggested, walking down the stairs. "Your dad and I both have this morning off, and obviously we've got something planned for tonight for you, so we should all go on a walk."

    "Yeah!" I exclaimed, "What do you think dad?"

    He sighed, both me and Pepper knew how he felt about exercise. "Sure, if my favourite girls want to, I suppose I have to come. After we've eaten breakfast though, right?"

Hey Guys!

So this is the first part of Leah Stark -  The Heir. I hope you enjoyed this, I pre wrote this and although this chapter wasn't that entertaining, I feel like it's a good start to the second book of the series. 

If you haven't read the first book, I'd recommend reading that one first because this book will contain spoilers for that one. The book is called 'Leah Stark - The Unknown Child' if you need to find it.

Thank you for reading,


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