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Leah's POV

I was jumping out of the car before it had even stopped. I heard a yells from both Happy and Pepper as I did so.

The elevator opened for me and I quickly asked FRIDAY to take me to the penthouse. I continued to sprint until I reached the armoury. I was lucky that Natasha and I were similar sizes when it came to clothes as I stole one of her old S.H.E.I.L.D training uniforms.

Grabbing a pair of guns and some ammo refills,  I began to run back out of the penthouse. It was just as Happy and Pepper walked back in.

"Where do you think you're going?" Pepper asked as I ran past.

"No time, I'll see you when I get back home Mom!" I said, jumping back into the elevator. "FRIDAY, take me down to the lobby as quickly as possible!"

"Of course Miss Stark."

When I reached the ground floor I began sprinting towards the fight as quickly as possible.

I ran through the crowds of people that were fleeing from the alien invasion that was descending upon New York.

The streets were absolute chaos. People were fleeing from the ship that was floating above New York. It was absolute chaos; my dad and Dr Strange as well as another man were fighting two aliens while Bruce was struggling to even turn into the Hulk.

I joined in the fray, even though my dad may get mad about me joining in, I have to help. If you don't try to help when you have the ability to, what kind of a person does that make you? 

"Dad! I heard you need help!" I yelled, shooting at the alien he was fighting, giving him the upper hand. 

"Leah! What are you doing here? Go home!"

"Nope sorry. I wanna fight Pleakley and Captain Gantu over here."

"Yoooo! Lilo and Stitch, nice!" I heard a yell, swinging over my head.

"Nice to see you again Arachnid boy! You ready to fight some Aliens?"

"I mean, probably not, but you know, I'm here. Might as well." He laughed before looking over at Ironman. "What is this guys problem Mr Stark?"

"He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard."

At that moment, Dr Strange flew past. "Kids, that's the wizard."

"Got it!" We said simultaneously. Peter swung after him as I sprinted behind. 

Of course I was absolutely useless, not being able to keep up and Peter and eventually both him and Doctor Strange were beamed up into the space donut. By the time I had ran back, it was only me, Bruce and the man I would later know as Wong left. 

"It can't have just been me who feels completely useless." I said, out of breath. 

Hey guys, 

I'm back after a long gap in the break. I guess I'm finally feeling more inspired to finish this book. I'm sorry that the chapter is so short, but I wanted to get it out for you all to read it. I think that this book is going to have a lot of shorter chapters however, I hope to make them as enjoyable as possible for you to read. 

Thanks for reading,


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