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Prologue- 894 words

Khalix was out of the school building the moment the bell rang. Today was his 13th birthday, and the only reason he was at school was to do a presentation that was worth most of his current grade. It did give his parents a perfect time to plan a surprise party for him, though. Yeah, surprise. He had known about it all month.

As he walked down the road, Khalix saw a little bird on the ground under a tree. It was chirping loudly in distress. He went over and picked it up. Turning his head up to the tree, Khalix realized that there was a nest. The bird had probably fallen out. Carefully putting the little bird in his pocket, Khalix began to climb the tree. The nest wasn't very high up, and Khalix was a good climber. He dropped the bird off in the nest and jumped down.

He continued his walk home. He wondered what his parents were going to "surprise" him with. He pondered over some possibilities, dismissing most of them. He turned the street corner and saw a blur of colors fly past him and crash into a nearby building. He watched the two people struggle, smashing each other into walls and generally beating each other to a pulp. Khalix looked closer to see that it was a Hero known as Void, fighting a Villain he hadn't seen before. The Villain seemed to have the upper hand as they had Void pinned down. But Void just grinned and threw the Villain off him and into the already damaged building. The building groaned as cracks spread throughout it.

Khalix watched as the building began to slide sideways, chunks of it crumbling away. And it was headed straight for his house. He had to act fast. If he used his power now, he would have a chance at saving his house. Khalix reached out for his power but found nothing. Panicking, he tried again, this time focusing on making it so the building fell, but missed his house. Nothing happened. Khalix couldn't understand why. Why couldn't he stop the building?! WHY?!

Then he realized something. His parents were in the house. His parents were in the house.

Khalix bolted down the road, feet pounding on cracked cement. As he ran, he kept trying to reach out for his power, but all he felt was an empty void. Void. Of course. Void had the ability to temporarily remove everyone's powers in the nearby vicinity. Khalix ran faster. He had to reach his house. He had to save his family. No one else would. Void, the Hero, was still fighting the Villain, and the authorities were nowhere in sight.

Khalix was close. So close. Only a couple more feet and--

"Whoa, slow down there, little buddy." Khalix ran full-speed into what felt like a brick wall and fell to the ground. He looked up to see that Void was blocking his path. Khalix climbed to his feet.

"Let me through," he demanded.

"I'm afraid I can't." Void replied, his expression hidden behind his mask. "This area isn't safe."

Khalix gave him a baffled look. "If you call this unsafe, what do you call the building that's about to fall on my house?!" He took a step towards his house, but Void held up a hand to stop him. "You're right, son, that building is about to fall over, and if I let you go in there, and you die, your blood will be on my hands. I don't want that."

"But what about my parents?!" Khalix yelled. "They're stuck in there, and you aren't saving them. Aren't you a hero? Isn't saving people what you do? You talk about having my blood on your hands, but what about my family?!" he was almost hysterical at this point, "Their blood will be on your hands, but you don't seem to care about them at all!" Void just stared down at him, blank eyes behind his mask.

"Let. Me. Through." Khalix repeated, his voice suddenly ice-cold. He pushed past Void and marched down the street. He didn't get very far, however. A hand clamped around his arm. Khalix scowled as he saw that the hand belonged to Void. He tried to pull away, but Void was strong.

"Come on, kid. You have to leave. I can't allow you to stay here, parents or not. I'm sorry." He started pulling Khalix down the street, away from the falling building. Khalix pushed and pulled, but he couldn't pry his arm free. He still couldn't use his powers either.

As Void pulled him away, the building collapsed, burying all that he cared about. Tears came to his eyes. If only Void hadn't stopped him. No. If only he hadn't stopped. If only he hadn't stopped to help that stupid bird!

He would have gotten there, and Void would still be fighting, and he would have been able to warn his parents! They would have known about the building. Stopping to help had been his worst mistake. Khalix started to full on cry now. Void was at fault, yes, and he would pay for it, but deep down he knew, he had killed his parents.

"I could have saved them!" Khalix screamed. "If you had just let me use my powers, they would still be alive! I hate you!"


Hey there! We hope you liked it. This is very short compared to the other chapters that we've already written, so don't worry. (It's much easier to write more with two people lol.) Please point out any mistakes you see. See ya!

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