Chapter Three

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Chapter Three- 3643 words


I woke up to the rumbling sounds of a lawn mower instead of the usual beeping of my alarm clock. "What time is it?" I said to no one in particular. I looked at my clock. It was two in the afternoon. School would practically be out by now. Wait. What day is it? A quick glance at the cheesy animal calendar that Steven bought for me each year confirmed that it was a Saturday.

Then I remembered what had happened yesterday. Shit. I quickly jumped out of bed and opened up my laptop. I sat down in my swivel chair and opened up WeTube. I clicked on the general trending tab, and to my horror, I had made the front page. Shitshitshitshitshitshit. I'm soooooo screwed.

What's the probability I can erase all videos like this and them from people's memories?

So low that you would kill yourself before you even erased a fourth of the people's memories. Like you said. You're screwed. That's what we call "Karma's only a bitch if you are."

I'm going to let that slide because I'm panicking right now.

Oh, I'm shaking in my non-existent boots.

I decided to ignore that and actually watch the video. When I clicked on it I instantly knew that I was fucked. This person had a really new phone model. Their camera quality was good. Stellar. Amazing. They couldn't capture everything through all the fire and debris, but they got enough. Most notably, the whole scene where I jumped off the tower like an idiot. Shitshitshit. They also managed to capture the part where Aegis caught me falling out of the air. They were too far away to hear any and all of my dumb remarks though, thank god.

It cut away after Aegis caught me, and flashed to Aegis and Steven capturing the Villain before ending. As recommended videos popped up on the screen, I scrolled down to the views and comments. The views kept rising, more and more with each passing second. Looking through the comments, I saw a lot of tags like, #Aegis #Aegis sidekick #newsidekick? #civdoesheroesjob and more like that. From the looks of it, this wasn't going to die down anytime soon. I ran a hand through my hair anxiously. This was all everyone was going to talk about for the next couple weeks.

Giving up on trying to fix the problem, I headed out into the living room. Steven was sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal and watching TV.

"Check it out." he said. "We're famous." It was on the TV too? A TV anchor was talking about the destruction of one of the Silver Towers and the Villain there, and a bunch of other stuff I knew already.

Hey magical powers, I thought as I rummaged through the fridge. You sure I can't delete that video from existence?

That would be a no.

Well, shit. I slammed the fridge shut and decided to look for breakfast elsewhere.

I walked to the pantry and grabbed a box of 'Captain Comic' cinnamon flavored cereal squares. I popped open the cardboard tap, unfurled the plastic bag, and grabbed a bowl. I poured cereal into the bowl until it started to overflow onto the countertop. I picked up my bowl and went to sit on the couch. I pulled out my phone and opened WeTube. I decided to read the comments on the video of me. Some of the were about how "hot" Aegis was, but others...

aegis_is_my_dad 30 seconds ago

OMG! What I wouldn't give to fall into Aegis's arms like that~ He's hot af..........

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MoonChild36109257 2 minutes ago

That kid is such an idiot.

VillainousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora