Chapter One

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Chapter One- 3289 words

Khalix watched as Steven ran about the house, collecting his keys, eating breakfast, grabbing his I.D badge. The man was hopeless, the definition of a disaster. But when it came to his work, he was one of the best in the field. It was like his heart was cut from pure intentions. He would help anyone. Anyone. Khalix had learned that...

He shook his head, dispersing the memories. That was then. This was now. No. There was no time to dwell in the past. Suddenly, he was pulled from his thoughts.

"Well, kiddo," said Steven with a bright smile and finger guns, "I'll see you later, gotta run! Have fun at school! Bye!"

"Bye," Khalix responded with a weak wave. Sometimes Steven's energy was exhausting. He glanced at the clock. It was almost time for school to start. He sat there for a moment, debating if he felt like going today. Why not? He decided.

Khalix headed down to the bus stop and sat on an empty bench. The bus wasn't here yet, so he put in his earbuds and waited. Moments later, the bus showed up. And what do you know? It was practically empty. He found a seat in the back and watched the city flicker by through the windows.

He arrived at his school shortly after and went to his homeroom, which was gym class. Hooray. They were doing the triathlon today. Khalix instantly regretted showing up. Could he leave? He looked around for a way he could get out of class. Honestly, he could probably just leave. He doubted anyone would notice he was gone. But just to be safe... Khalix called for his power. Let's lower the chance of people noticing I'm not here.

But something made him hesitate. Steven. He would be so disappointed. It was like somehow he just knew if Khalix did something against school policy. Sighing, Khalix released his hold on his power. He guessed he would just have to suffer through gym today.

↞☽ ↠

Khalix tapped a pen against his desk impatiently. Just a couple more minutes before school was out. Steven had texted him during lunch and told him he was going to take Khalix somewhere fun. Where? Khalix had no idea. Anything was better than school, though.

The bell rang and Khalix was out of the building as fast as possible. He stopped, only to grab his stuff from his locker. He glanced around the parking lot for Steven's car. There. Khalix made his way to it and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Hey, kiddo!" Steven greeted. "You ready?"

"Uh, where are we going?" Khalix asked.

"You'll see," Steven answered. Khalix stared at him with an un-amused look on his face. Steven pulled out of the school's parking lot and started driving to wherever they were going. As they drove, Steven cranked up the radio and began singing along at the top of his lungs. Khalix took his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through possible places. He doubted they were going to a nearby bookstore, and probably not a restaurant. Steven was more of a grab-and-go type of guy. Khalix had no idea where they were heading. Putting his phone away, he reached over to the radio and turned the volume down.

"I'm going deaf," he said.

"No, you're not," Steven replied.

"Alright, I'm not. But I can barely hear anything." Khalix said. "So we're going to keep it at a reasonable hearing level before I actually do go deaf."


After a half-hour trip, they pulled into a parking lot.

"Here we are," Steven said, shutting the engine off. "Welcome to Silver Towers Amusement Park! It just opened a few weeks ago."

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