Chapter 3: The Visit

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Note: This edit was done by my mutual Kyuu. Go check her out on insta ! Her @ is @/ pracrastinate !

The music I added was Ravel's "Pavane pour une Infante Defunte" ( Pavane for a Dead Princess ). Please go check out Ben ! His YouTube account is @/ ben steinhardt !

Enjoy !


Five years passed since the night that Eddy confessed to Brett.

"Hey, babe! Where's my ring? I think I misplaced it again." Brett yelled from upstairs as he came out of the shower. Eddy was downstairs rehearsing Tchaikovsky's violin concerto. Immediately, as he heard Brett's statement, he sighed exasperatedly.

"Brett, it's been the third time this month that you lost your engagement ring. Do you not want to be my fiancé?"

Brett came downstairs with wet hair and only a towel around his hips, his chest bare. His face shown red from embarrassment and regret. Carefully, Brett eased his arms around Eddy's torso, gently squeezing him.

"I'm sorry, Eddy. I know we got engaged three months ago but I'm still getting used to this. I never knew I was going to get engaged to such an amazing man."

Eddy put down his violin and turned around to hug Brett, gently placing a kiss on his forehead.
"It's ok, I forgive you. I'm sorry that I was a bit rude. I'm just stressed over the repertoire that we have to learn for the tour." Eddy looked down and realized he only had a towel on.

"Babe, if you don't get changed I'm gonna have to fuck you right here, you know?" Eddy raised his eyebrows as he looked at Brett up and down.

Brett's arms were still around Eddy's torso as he looked up to face his fiancé.

"Well...," Brett's face shown red even though he had been in a relationship with Eddy for 5 years. "I- I mean... I wouldn't mind if you did that to me... You know that I would like that." Brett covered his face by pressing his face into Eddy's chest, dampening his merch.

"Brett! Cold! Cold! Cold! It's colddd."

Brett looked up to see Eddy's face slightly scrunched up.

"Ohhh... Sorry!" Brett quickly went to their bedroom to get him a new shirt. "Now sit down and lift up your arms."

"Umm... Brett what are you do-" Eddy was cut off as Brett lifted his shirt off from him, leaving him bare. Eddy's face turned the color of tomatoes.

"W- what are your even trying to do, Brett Yang?"

Brett simply giggled in response,

"It's going to be Brett Chen very soon you know!"

Quickly, Brett slid the new shirt on Eddy and soon scrambled towards their bedroom before Eddy could try to make any moves on him.

"Don't forget to take your meds, babe!" Eddy yelled, picking up his violin again.

"Oh, right! Thank you!"

Turning around, Brett opened his medicine bottle taking out two small white tablets, swallowing them down with water.


An hour or so after, they both went out to get coffee. As they finished up their coffee, Brett took out his phone, remembering that he needed to visit his mother in the hospital. His face darkened, Eddy noticed and leaned into Brett to look at his phone.

"Oh... Brett, no matter what happens, you're going to be okay. You're strong. And if things get tough for you, you know that I'm here for you, okay?" Eddy squeezed Brett's hand to give him a form of reassurance.

"Yeah I know, it's just hard. The mother that supported me my whole life could just die right now..." His voice faltered as his eyes swelled up with tears.

"Hey, come on, let's go to the hospital now. I'll pay the bill for our coffee." Anxiety was written all over Eddy's face as he looked at his fiancé worrying about his mother.


As they arrived at the hospital, the truth about Brett's mother started to unravel.

"Hey, doc, how is my mother?" Brett gave off his usual deadpan face as a facade to cover how much he felt like breaking down. Eddy squeezed his hand knowing how hard it must be for Brett.

"I'm sorry to say this, but seeing as your mother has been battling leukemia for about four years, and didn't get diagnosed until it was very late, she doesn't have very long."

Almost instantly, Brett broke down in tears. Eddy held him tight. Eddy's eyes welled up with tears as he saw how much pain Brett was feeling in that moment. He held him tight and looked back up to the doctor.

"Can my fiancé see her now?"

"Of course, but medical attention will be needed as a stand by if something happens."


While the couple was walking to the hospital room, a beeping alarm went off in room 436. Brett's mother's room. Brett, Eddy, and the paramedics rushed to the room, Brett in tears as he saw the scene unfold.

His mother's life line was flat. Her heart stopped beating. The paramedics shocked her in hopes that her heart would start beating again. But after a few tries, his mother was declared dead. Brett broke down in tears. All he could do was cry. Eddy tried his best to comfort him although he felt much dismay.

"Brett, no matter what, you're going to be ok, okay? You've got me. I'm here for you."

Eddy's shirt was soaked with tears in less than thiry seconds, Brett's eyes were dyed red, and he looked like he was completely sick.

"I- I never even got to say goodbye. I never got to thank her enough. I'm such a disappointment. I w- wish I could've told her how much she meant to me more often. Why am I such a bad person?"

"Brett... You are no where near a bad person. You're the most wonderful person I've met. You make me feel safe and I feel so warm around you. You remind me of my self worth when I feel worthless. You aren't a terrible person, okay? Always remember that. I love you, also remember that."

Brett sniffled, regaining his voice after Eddy's words of encouragement.

"Thank you, Eddy. I really needed that. I love you so much, I'm so glad I met you and that I'm going to marry you."

Eddy's face turned to look at his fiancé, caressing his cheek.

"Promise me one thing, okay, Brett?"

"What is it?"

"Never forget about me please. I need you as much as you need me."

"I could never forget about you. I love you so much. Why would I ever leave you? You're here for me at my worst and my best. I need you."

"Thank you, babe. I love you."

After their exchange, Eddy drove Brett home, both in tears and all. Although they're upset, they went home with a hope of their new promise they exchanged earlier. To never forget one another.

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