Chapter One

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I was fixing up the time machine and when it had finally been mended, I tested it out to see how it worked.

Several bolts of energy and electricity came to life.

"YES"! "I DID IT"!

I danced around the room while clutching the Catman KISS plush in my right hand.

Then, it was time to get a move on to my destination.

I was going to help the band KISS get through the entire years of KISStory.

But first, I had to pack a duffle bag with all my essentials.

First, I grabbed my iPhone and it's charger.

Second, I took out my notebook and two pens and pencils.

Third, a few snacks and water bottles. 

After all that, I got dressed in some blue jean shorts and my favorite KISS shirt.

The time machine was ready to go.

I grabbed my cat Cinnamon and then carefully stepped inside.

Cinnamon got a little bit nervous and then I reassured her that everything was going to be alright.

When I opened my eyes, there was a few people jumping out of the way.

I stepped outside and looked around at my surrounding environment. 

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