Chapter Ten

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Ace found me a KISS t-shirt and Paul lended me his black colored band jacket.

Peter let me wear his boots, which fit me perfectly.

But Gene unfortunately didn't have anything that could fit me.

He did offer an expensive bottle of cologne and when I took a sniff of it, I nearly dropped it in surprise.

"Yuck"! "That smells like rotting corpses"!

I stuck out my tongue in disgust.

Ace sniffed the Demon's cologne and he had the same reaction.

"You should throw that stuff away, it's making my nose burn".

We all laughed.

And then, Bill came and told us that we needed to get a move on.

Paul saw how beautiful I made my hair look and he gave me a sexy grin.

Gene immediately caught up and he flicked out his long tongue at me.

I made a face and he and Paul thought it was cute.

We all walked out the door and there was the sound of busy people moving about downwards upwards on the streets.

Some were driving to and from work.

A stray cat was seen lying down in the alley way and Peter was fascinated.

He was about to touch the furry animal when it looked up at him and let out a scary hiss.

The Catman meowed gently like a kitty cat to show that he meant no harm.

"You really shouldn't mess with stray cats, she could be carrying rabies".

I warned the drummer intelligently.

"What's that"?

Paul asked me.

"It's a lethal virus that can be spread through the human body if the rabid animal bites you". "Trust me, you wouldn't like it one bit".

Peter looked like he was sad and he let out a sigh.

The stray cat looked up at him.

Then, I saw the most adorable sight.

Tiny meowing sounds were heard behind the stray cat.

In a cardboard box, were two small kittens.

"Oh my god..."

I put my hand on my mouth in delight.

Peter was almost just as happy as I was.

He really didn't want to leave those poor little kitties behind.

But there was something wrong with one of the kittens.

The gray haired kitten looked like it wasn't breathing.

I looked closer inside the cardboard box and my suspicions were correct.

"That little gray must have passed away".

Peter looked like he was gonna cry.

Ace put his hand on the Catman's shoulder to comfort his friend.

"The poor thing..."

Tears were already falling down Peter's cheeks.

I picked up a piece of newspaper and covered the dead gray haired kitten with it.

Using the shirt I was wearing, I bent down and carefully picked up the other kitten that was still alive.

Peter was wiping his tears away with a tissue that he had on his pants pocket.

"We need to get it some medical attention, as soon as possible".

The band followed me to the nearest veterinary clinic.

Gene was carrying the dead kitten and Peter was holding the mother cat.

"Oh my goodness, where did you find them"?

A lady at the front desk asked in shock.

Peter begged and pleaded with them to bring some veterinarians and medical attention quickly.

Gene told the staff where we all found the stray mother cat and her babies.

"I think this one died unfortunately".

He said and handed the veterinarian the dead kitten wrapped up in a newspaper.

The lady looked really sad and then she decided to bury the dead animal in a most respectful way possible.

I looked down at the kitten that I was carrying in my hands using my shirt.

It mewed and started getting cold.

I held it against my chest to try to keep it warm.

Peter was getting over the unfortunate death of an innocent kitten.

I held his hand while we all sat down in the waiting room.

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