Chapter Eleven

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Peter was still feeling sad and it sounded like he meowing like a cat would do.

I was beginning to enjoy giving the Catman lots of comfort and then after a while, the KISS manager came in through the front door of the veterinarian building.

"What in God's name are you guys doing here"? "We've got a new album to do"!

Bill Aucoin looked like he was about to get really mad, but luckily I was able to stop him from fussing at the band KISS.

"You need to shut the fuck up"!

I pointed my finger at him.

Bill looked like he was a little bit scared or nervous.

"This is a veterinary clinic, where all these poor neglected, sick, or injured pets are brought to help and heal them from all their constant suffering? So if you wanted to know why me and the band are here, then ask the Starchild".

I also made sure to keep my voice down while I scolded the KISS manager.

Bill took a deep breath and then he exhaled out slowly.

"I am very sorry everyone for raising my voice". I was just worried about you guys and when you didn't arrive at the recording studio on time, I thought something bad had happened".

I forgave Bill Aucoin and we both shook hands and made up.

Paul Stanley then went on to explain what had happened out in the alley.

"She and Peter found a stray mother cat with her two stray kittens out in the street".

He said and then gave Bill a friendly smile.

By then, Peter Criss had calmed down and gotten over the sad death of the second kitten.

"I couldn't stand to just let those poor kitty cats starve to death, and when she found out that one of the kittens were still alive, we wrapped the deceased kitten up in some newspaper and then we immediately went to the nearest veterinary clinic".

Everyone in the band were all proud of me for rescuing an innocent family of cats.

Bill Aucoin then joined us in the waiting room of the veterinary clinic and we waited until we received good news from the pet vets about the mother cat and her kitten.

At around almost lunchtime, we finally got some wonderful news.

"The mother cat is now well taken care of and she and her little kitty will be doing just fine".

I was overjoyed and then Peter gave me a big hug.

"Since the costs of us taking them in would be expensive, we were hoping that you guys would be interested in nursing the kitten on our own".

I was grinning from ear to ear as soon as I heard that.

"I'm an animal and cat expert. I can do it"!

The band and their manager were very impressed.

So, it was all settled.

Because the band didn't have any more time to start working on their next album in the recording studio, we all decided to go home anyway.

KISS had their own mansion that they all shared, so after I got an incubator from the pet vets, we all went to the mansion.

When we all got there, I quickly had to set up the incubator because the kitten needed to be in someplace warm.

I asked Ace and Peter to go and find some warm blankets that would fit inside the incubator, and so they did just that.

Paul found the right size baby bottle and Gene ran to the pet shop to get some kitten formula.

When he came back, everything was ready.

I carefully put the kitten in the incubator and it mewed as it made itself comfortable.

"Aww...he's so beautiful".

Paul smiled as he gently stroked the tiny kitten's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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