no homo

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"Don't be horrid Henry!!" Mum shouts as she signals for Henry to go to his room. He practically lives in his room now. Henry never accepted defeat. Purple hand gang rule no.43 never give in to the mad mother.

This time was different. Henry was bored of this lifestyle, he had to find a new way to amuse himself. Grabbing his dads Samsung tablet from under the bed, Henry resorts to the internet.

Just like any horny ten year old boy, Henry searches 'big man gay long dick' as he waited for the results to load he was greeted by a message 'Google is unable to load the page due to parental restrictions.' Henry raises his fist in anger.

I need to be an intellectual Henry thinks to himself. What would rappa Zappa do?? Henry uses his skillz to unlock the parental guidance lock.

"Eureka! This is gold!" Henry cries out, abit too loud. As long as mum didn't hear, Henry was safe.

Henry surfs the web, getting off to some big sexy men. Whenever he did this, Henry felt happy. But at the same time, a little bit ashamed. His mum was very religious and was always saying how a man should be with a woman and the gays disgust her. 'It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!' She would always mutter.

So when ever Henry looked at boys in this kind of way he had to be very careful, in case mum catches him.


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