Dêluśîonâl Wørlđ- 《Chârîty Fünčtîøn》

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Shivay's POV**

"Not again mom" i whispered loud enough for my mother to listen  "Why you always taunt me over her , i agree i did a grave mistake by dating her" i sighed and sat on bed folding my legs ..

"I m not taunting you shiv" mom stare me for nano second and i noticed the sadness and pain in her eyes "I m just trying to make you understand that there isn't any point of mourning over her , Why don't you try to move on" She again repeated same words and i rolled my eyes because of the anger and irritation building in my stomach..

"Move on" i laughed sarcastically "You want me to date another girl and again recieve the same pain i suffered through in past two years" i asked and this time i sounded different not at angry at all,i sounded defeated , it wasn't me , No No , it isn't me at all this voice which is full of pain and hurt wasn't like this few year before when i fell in trap of the bitch named Mallika who didn't only used me and made me fool but also snatched away the empire i built on my own without taking my parents and friends support..

"You are taking me in wrong way son , All i want to say is , i want to see you happy like before , i want my old arrogant , rude , and danger shivay back" Mom whispered loud enough for me to listen , as her eyes start shining from tears , i sigh disappointed,not from her but from myself , How can i make the only woman sad who do deeply care for me and want to see me happy ..

"Mom , i m trying" I said pulling her in a hug and hugging her tightly close to my heart "Mom , I need time ,please" i gave her my best puppy eyes and her eyes instantly softened .

"Okay" she quickly wiped her tears and cupped my face in her palms , staring straight in my eyes ,she whispered "Only once ,please attend the charity function, only once come out from this house Shivay " she said with mischievous glint in her eyes and i stare her for a minute trying my best to read her ..

"But mom ,look at me, i amn't looking less than any Romeo " i tried to joke but failed and passed a sheepish smile.. "I mean look at me, i gained allot weight ,Media will get Masala if they will see me like this "

"Don't worry charity function is after one month" She said and her right side lips tugged upwards in smirk ,like she knew i was going to make an excuse.. i sighed .

"Mom, Promise me , After this you will never force me for dating any girl and all" i held out my hand and she quickly plant her hand over mine "I promise , I will give you as much as time you want son" She kissed my forehead and i smiled , Oops! i didn't mentioned that i amn't a mumma boy , it's just me and my mom get close to each other in past two year , And this is the only thing which make me thanks that bitch MALLIKA ..

"Okk ,Now i got to go else your dad and your brother will held whole mansion on their head" She once again kissed my cheeks and i rolled my eyes before throwing a smile on her direction and mouthing a byee .. As soon as mom left a sigh escaped my lips and i smiled feeling a little light , May be she irritates me allot sometime , No no not only sometime , She irritates me all time but talking with her and having her by my side always make me happy ..


Heading downstairs , i called out one of maid working in my mansion from past 10 years..

"Yes Mr Oberoi" Her gray hair shined in sunlight and she passed me one of her sweet smile making me smile back ..

"Mrs William , i want you to make light food in lunch ,like soup , khichadi , oats anything like this " i said and she stared me with wide eyes trying to observe my words

"Are you okay Mr Oberoi?" she asked with concern in her eyes and i nodded positively..

"Umm then...." i cut her off in mid and pointed my finger towards my little bulging stomach . "From today onwards ,i will have my healthy and light food Mrs William , Not oily at all" i said before heading upstairs and making my way towards my gym..

I opened the door of my gym after two years ,I don't know why but i stopped taking care of me and my looks,i behaved completely out of my character in past two years and Now after everything i want to get back in my older self , i want myself to be Strong POWERFULL ARROGANT BEAST SHIVAY SINGH OBEROI , I want to make that bitch suffer and snatch everything back which is rightfully mine ..

"I am Coming Mallika , And believe me i will not show any mercy" I whispered to myself gritting my teeth  in anger

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"I am Coming Mallika , And believe me i will not show any mercy" I whispered to myself gritting my teeth  in anger..


It's been a week since i got back in my old routine , I start getting up at 6 Am in morning , do jogging ,gyming  and start having healthy as well as light food.. I look a little differet now , i mean my beards are back in same way they were before two years, My little bulgy stomach get back in place , my packs start getting visible lightly and i too feel different now..

"Mrs William"  i called out senior employe of my house ..

"Yes Mr Oberoi" She replied staring me curiously .

"I want all staff working here in my study room now" I ordered before heading towards my study room , And not after a minute one by one my 10 people get in my study room followed by Mrs William , I look towards them sternly "So , I hope you all know me " i asked and they all nodded positively "Ok , So coming to the point , You all did allot of mistakes in past two years and i ignored everything and forgave you for ur all mistakes but not anymore , you one mistake will cost ur job " i said rudely and they all gulped before nodding positively , i dismissed them through my hands and grab my laptop , i quickly typed my name in search bar and there displayed ..

" The great business tycoon destruction"

I scrolled down and came face to face with a picture of my and Mallika , In which i was kissing her forehead and she was smilling lightly holding my shirt in her fist..

"The Businesswoman Mallika Arora replaced Shivay Singh oberoi in Business world and takeover SSO EMPIRE"

I closed my eyes tightly gulping down all my anger and hurt , I once agin went back on search bar and typed Business award function and there was again the lime light was only one person who is behind my destruction and this condition "MALLIKA ARORA" smilling proudly and holding best business tycoon award..



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