Dêluśîonâl Wørlđ -《The îññøčênt shê》

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After getting a grip on her wrist , I moved down from stage and felt her hand shivering a little ..

"Mr Oberoi" host called from behind and i turned back towards the host lady.. "Yeahhh" i replied .. "There is some terms and Conditions, And also Miss Alexendra will live with you only for a month" She said forwarding a piece of paper towards me , I took hold of that papers and read them carefully and smirked reading conditions like "No forcing himself on lady"  i continue reading and read another condition saying "Not to Mistreat the lady" Finally after reading all conditions , i signed the paper and handed them to host before heading out with Miss Alexandra , but before existing i look once towards Mallika and smirked looking her priceless expression , I know she is beyond shocked from my this act , Afterall she get in my life because of this auction only..

"It's time to face Media" i whispered underneath my breathe and a sudden fear start clouding my mind as well as heart ,I know , I can act as strong but somewhere in my heart i m broken from Mallika's betrayal...

"Mr Oberoi?" As soon as i stepped out from ballroom,the media turned their camera and mike towards me before bombarding me with question..

"We see, You bought another lady from auction, And we got to know that you did this for making Miss Mallika jealous?" One man asked and i suddenly felt my hatred overpowering my fear..

"Why you always get to know something useless as well as meaningless" i asked and faked a little laugh "I mean, Do you really think that lady matter this much to me ,I mean look at her she is living on my money" i spatted hatefully and their face was worthless .

"Mr Oberoi, Can you show the face of pretty lady behind the mask ?" Another lady from media asked and i turned towards her smiling a little before whispering No.

I ignored their another questions and left from their not before holding hand of the lady beside me and making my way towards my black Lamborghini. 

Third Person Pov..

As soon as the car stopped at from of Shivay's penthouse, He got down from car and made his way towards passenger door for open the door of Anika's side.

"You can remove your mask now" He said in his gentle tone "I didn't want you to become another gossip for media" he completed his sentence and  waited for her to get down..

When he didn't get any response , he shook Anika gently and she quickly got down from his car and smiled a little nodding yess..

"Myself Shivay Singh Oberoi" Shivay forwarded his hand towards her and she smiled before shaking her hand with his and removing her mask , His eyes got stucked on her face, for a minute he himself forget to breathe and his heart start beating loudly.. Her chocolaty brown eyes filled with nervousness fear as well as some unknown emotions, her long black hair flowing down till her mid thigh making her look more angelic and beautifull. Felling his continuous gaze on herself , Anika shift a little uncomfortably making his trance broke..

"let's go" Shivay whispered and head inside of his house , Anika followed him inside the house slowly and came at halt seeing him stop at front of stairs..

"Guest room is there" Shivay pointed towards a giant size room and Anika's eyes widened in amusement, A little smile spread on her rosy plump lips and she shook her forehead before passing a nod towards shivay and start moving towards guest room..

"Hey" Shivay yelled from behind and her steps stopped , she turned back towards him and raised her brows..

"Can't you speak?" He asked slightly pissed.

"I can" She whispered back as his heart pick the pace and start beating more wildly inside his chest making him insane , her angelic voice wasn't less than a melody for his ears and All he did was stare at her with a smile on his lips , But suddenly Mallika's face flashed in his mind and everything came crashing down..

"What the hell are you doing Oberoi" His mind snapped breaking her beauty and Angelic trance from his mind "One girl took away your everything leaving u on road and here you are smitting by the beauty of another girl about whom u know nothing" his mind yelled and Shivay's cold and harsh attitude overpowered him..

"Nooo , I can't let any girl fool me" he whispered to himself and head towards his room leaving a confused Anika who shrugged nonchalantly and head towards the guest room ..


"Hii myself Jach" A woman introduced herself to Anika who did nothing but stare the woman confusingly not before passing her beautiful smile and shaking her hand..

"And Who is this beautiful?" Jach asked pointing towards Anika herself who smile lightly and politely before whispering "Anika".

"Ohh so you are the one whom my son liked and planned to date , No doubt you look beautiful even more than his Ex clingy and greedy girlfriend but let me warn you girl, Don't you dare to play with my son's emotion and heart else i will make your future life a living hell" Jach first started sweetly but soon her voice and aroma changed making her look dangerous and a strict mother..

"Mother , You are scaring her" A voice boomed through hallway and both women turned back to look towards the owner of voice , A thankfull and relief look flashed across Anika's face ,  And her dark chocolaty brown eyes with his dark blue emotionless eyes.. "And i m not planning to date her , I bought her from Auction bcoz i wanted to show Mallika and other that i don't give a damm to that bitch anymore" his cold voice made her shiver and soom disappointed swirled in jach eyes..


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