Chapter Twenty Seven

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Layna's POV

The pain in my shoulder was so unbearable. I hadn't even opened my eyes yet. I didn't know when I passed out but I knew I did. I just didn't want to see my shoulder and I didn't know where I'd be waking up at. Hopefully not with Louis, I'd rather him have just ended my life then wake up to being with him. He's the reason my shoulder feels like it was blown up. I'd never felt a pain like this. 

"I just don't understand how this could have happened. If you say you can protect her, why didn't you?" I heard the one voice I never thought I'd hear again. As I opened my eyes slowly I was almost blinded from the hospital room lights and came to see my mother's face. "Layna!" She shouted before Parker turned to me and my father came running in the room. "Honey! How are you? Do you need anything?" She asked as she came to my side and started brushing through my hair. 

"I'm fine." I told her before I looked at Parker. 

"Hey baby." He said with a soft smile. I smiled back before he came to my other side and kissed my head. 

"Can you leave the room? I'd like a few minutes alone with my daughter.". My mother said. 

"Excuse me? You're the one hardly checks in on your daughter when she's not allowing you to play game master of her life so maybe I need a few minutes alone with my girlfriend.". He said and my mother looked shocked at his words. "And it's pretty sad the only reason you even knew she was in the hospital is because of the news and I was intervied." He said and I looked at my mother. 

"Can you both get out. I'd like to talk to dad.". I said and they both looked at me before nodding. Parker gave me a quick peck on the cheek before following my mother out and my father came to my bed side. 

"Hi H-". 

"Why've you been looking in on Parker?". 


"Don't play stupid. His friends know, he knows, and I know. So, why have you been trying to find stuff on my boyfriend?". 

He sighed, "Layna, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I've heard things about him with his cases and I didn't want you getting hurt.". 

"But why? When I left I told you to leave me alone. To let me run my life and if I messed it up I'd fix it.". I told him and he looked down. "There's nothing wrong with Parker. He's doing th best he can-". 

"Best he can? Layna look where you are! A hospital with a hole in your shoulder becase he....wasn't protecting you.". He shot back. 

"He was doing the best he could. He was making sure everyone he loves and I love are safe. Including you and your wife.". I said and he looked down. "He doesn't even know you and he wants you to be safe because of me. Becuase he're all I have. Landon's gone and we have no clue where he is and Kim...she's gone too.". I said before he looked at me. "She left a couple months ago, when I started seeing Parker." I lied, I couldn't tell him the truth. 

"Where are you living?". 

"With Parker. We're going to be looking for a new house actually.". I told him and he gave me a small smile. 

"Layna, I know your mother and I messed up after Landon left...but it was because we wanted you to be happy. To do amazing things. And....when you left...we thought we'd lost you too." He said before his eyes began to water. "I've failed as a parent Layna...but you will always be my little girl and I can't...see you hurt.". He said before I used my good arm to touch his cheek and wipe a straying tear away. 

"I am happy dad. I'm safe, it's just when I'm alone. Parker would give his life to protect me.". I said and he nodded before there was a knock on the door. A women in a white coat pocked her head in. 

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