Chapter Twenty Eight

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Layna's POV

A month passed since I was shot, since my brother came back into my life, and since Parker and I found out I'm pregnant. It hasn't been the easiest but Louis hasn't stuck his head around anywhere recently. Which isn't good. Parker thinks he's up to something bad and it wouldn't surprise me considered he shot me. But, things have also been looking up a little bit. Landon's coming around every weekend and tomorrow is when I get to meet his family and it is also the day Parker and I get to go look at some houses he found. 

But, tonight is the 'family dinner'. 

All the boys are coming over for dinner and so Parker can explain some plans with Louis since we're still trying to get to him before he gets to us. It was also a chance for Parker and I to tell the boys about the baby. I wasn't showing much besides a small little bump but I was growing, quickly. 

"Babe, when are you putting the chicken on the grill?" I asked Parker as he walked in from his afternoon workout in the basement. 

"As soon as I get a kiss from my girl." He smirked as he pecked my lips before bending down and kissing my stomach. He'd been doing that for a few weeks now, I think he's starting to get excited about being a dad. "Harrison and Chris are coming in about thirty minutes to help cook or whatever you want them to do. I have to run up to my office to make sure I have the plans drawn up after I put the chicken on." He told me and I nodded before handing him three dishes full of uncooked chicken. While he did that I got the corn going on the stove, some baked potatoes in the oven, green beans, and some jello was freezing in the fridge. 

I was just about to stir the green beans when the home phone went off. 

"Hello?" I answered not checking the number. 

"Hey, it's Landon.". 

"Hey, what's up?". 

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering if tomorrow we could meet at your place. I just don't want that Louis guy to follow you here and see where we live." He said and I smiled. 

"Of course. Parker and I are going to look for a house in the morning after he works a little but dinner here is fine." I told him as I stirred the green beans. 

"Alright, how's the baby?" He asked and I laughed. 

"Probably just a tiny bit bigger then last weekend." I laughed as I placed my free hand on the bump. 

"Well, I have to be updated. My little sister who I disappointed forever is pregnant.". He said and I sighed. 

"You didn't disappoint me. You had to grow up and you took a difficult path." I told him before Parker came back in. 

"I know. I just...I wish I could have seen you do things Layna. But, I'll let you get back to whatever your doing. I'll see you tomorrow." He said before I ended the call.

"Landon?" Parker asked and I nodded. "He's still feeling bad?" I nodded before he came to me and smiled. "He just needs time." I nodded again before he pecked my lips and placed his hand over mine. "Has the food made you feel sick today?" He asked, the last three days every time I cook meat or soup I feel like I might vomit right there. But, thank God it's starting to go away. I need meat in my life. 

"It's better today. I'm just ready to eat." I laughed. 

He chuckled before the doorbell went off. "I'll get it." He said before walking away. I finished with the green beans before sitting them on the warmer and then Harrison walked in carrying Chris with Parker behind him. 

"Hey Layna." Harrison said with a smile. He was the only other person outside of the family who knew. Parker's parents didn't but my family. Harrison put Chris down and Chris rushed to me before he put his ear against my belly. He had been since Harrison told him. 

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