Chapter 3

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Thanks to all the readers so far, luv ya! This chapter's song is Midnight City by M83, only oldies will get this one :)

The next few days in Paris were a whirlwind.

And I don't mean like in all those movie montages where the actors seem to have smiles plastered permanently on their faces and everything goes perfectly, but a more realistic version where pigeons end up shitting on you and you almost pass out from exhaustion at the Louvre.

Still, our days in Paris were undeniably fun and I was admittedly kind of sad to leave after only 3 days...though the amount of shopping I had done could amount to more than that, of course.

"Mae, come on" my dad signaled me to approach the counter.

We were at the airport's car rental dealership, luggage repacked and a few macaroons from "La Durée" remaining.

My parents where chatting animatedly to the dealership's staff as they worked out the last few details concerning our car while I picked at my nails.

Damn, I was tired, but at least my jet lag had completely worn off by now.

They finished up and a kind-faced employee led us towards our car. My mouth fell open and I let out a snort.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" my mom asked in concern, probably confusing my snort for some sort of muscle spasm.

I simply pointed at the red Fiat 500 in front of me in disdain, seriously parents?

"It's cute, non?" the Hertz girl said with a grin, my parents already opening the car's trunk "I'll help"

I approached their questionable car choice and hauled my suitcase into the trunk with ease...well, at least that's what I wished had happened.

In reality, I had been so distracted by our ride that I hadn't noticed the girl step closer to me and I straight-up slammed the suitcase into her side as I hauled it up, sending her toppling to the ground.

"Ah!" I squeaked "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

She simply glared, rejected my hand to get up, and stormed off, ok really, limped away.

Remind me to never get on the wrong side of a French woman. Again.

After a few exchanged glances between my parents and I, we hopped in and my dad stepped on the ignition.

We drove away from the airport and I could feel a surge of electricity as my body shook from the anticipation.

I popped in my AirPods as I rolled down the back windows and gave a loud whoop.

This was gonna be a hell of an epic road trip.


45 minutes later...

The scenery shot by my window as I read "Anna and the French Kiss" which was propped up between my legs.

I sighed happily and leaned back on my seat as I read, music still blasting in my ears.

My mind wandered off, sending me deep into my imagination. I wondered what the Dordogne Valley would be like; the river, the countryside and our charming little rental home in Domme.

I tried not to build high expectations like I tended to, but I couldn't help but feel my heart surge with happiness at the mere thought of the place and I dearly hopped I wouldn't be disappointed.

The French HolidayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ