Over The Years

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It became a routine from that point forward. When the forecast was on in the living room with promises of heavy rain and potential thunderstorms, or when the wind would pick up at the end of the day and the clouds would gather in darkness, they would lock eyes in wordless agreement. Silent conversations and shrugs of shoulders would permit Grayson to find Ethan in the middle of the night if the weather was treacherous.

Words were never needed. Just a glance and they both knew they would be together that night if need be.

Over time it became as if they both needed it now, not just Grayson. Grayson was appreciative of his brothers comfort of course, but Ethan also found himself wondering on those nights just how long it would take for Grayson to come down the hall.

To climb into bed with him.

To share sheets, pillows, warmth.

It came to a point where they both secretly hoped it would storm, so that they would have an excuse to be in the same bed.

They would snuggle close together, facing the same way, Grayson eventually situating back to press against Ethan's chest, legs somehow intertwined by the end of the night.

Harmless touch.

They never really spoke about it either, instead acting like it was completely normal. After all, this was about feeling safe, and they felt most safe when they were together.


It stopped after one night in late November when they were almost 16 years old.

They had been at football practice earlier that day, when their coach had let them know the thunderstorms tonight would probably rain out their game for the following day. Ethan, who was upset about the game, but tingling about the chance to see Grayson that night, locked eyes with his brother. They smiled.

"Guess i'll be seeing you tonight then huh?", Ethan asked as they were changing in the locker room later on.

"Hmm...maybe you will, maybe you won't", Grayson played.

Ethan rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, hoping the former would be the case. He gripped Grayson's shoulder lovingly on his way out of the locker room, being the first one finished as always.


Grayson lay there that night in the moonlight shining through his room, when all of the sudden there it was-the sound of thunder rumbling through the house, rain pouring through the gutters. Grayson could hear the wind chimes clanging together in the back yard.

He felt at peace.

In all honesty, he'd grown out of his fear of thunderstorms and had stopped being afraid for a while now. But the scary thing now, and what was even worse than his fear of thunderstorms, was his need to go to Ethan's room anyway.

Grayson knew this need was a problem. He knew he was in trouble.

He tried his best to block out his true intentions, and to forget about the strange feeling and attachment he felt toward his brother on nights like these. Although he knew he shouldn't, he couldn't imagine not touching his skin. He couldn't imagine giving up the one reason he had to embrace his brother this way. Couldn't resist the temptation of knowing he could run his fingertips over Ethan's soft-muscled stomach as they fell asleep.

So he got up, nervous for some reason, and lightly tip toed out of his room, making sure to close his door behind him. On wobbly legs he made his way to Ethan's door, stopping with his hand on the knob.

Should I do this?, he asked himself.

It felt...wrong this time.

Different somehow.

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