One Condition

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Grayson's POV

"Ethan?", I asked groggily, swiping at my eyes and squinting through the darkness of the room. I could barely make out his shape in the blackness, but knew no one else would've hit me with a damn pillow.
"Yea, idiot, it's me", Ethan replies, obviously not very happy.
"What's your problem?", I want to know using my elbows to lean upwards to see him at the foot of my bed.
"My problem? Are you serious?", he whispers but somehow yells at the same time. I'm still not sure what he's so upset about but I've just woken up so he's got to give me a minute.
"Yea, Ethan, you came into my room in the middle of the night and fucking hit me in the face with a pillow so you'd better tell me what your damn issue is", I throw back at him.
"Do you hear that?", he asks, pointing upwards, when the rain suddenly becomes less like background noise and more like the main event. Oh.
"My problem is you didn't come to bed", he says lowly, crossing his arms. His tone is hurt and betrayed, more like a lost puppy and less like an angry lion now.
"Oh," is all I can seem to muster, "I'm sorry E." I remember that I forced myself to do this. The emptiness of not being with him on a night like this suddenly becomes evident in my stomach. I'd figured he'd be fine with it.
"It's fine, I guess", Ethan mutters, scratching the back of his head but not moving away.
"So like...", he adds, sounding more nervous than I think I've ever heard,"Do you not need me anymore when it rains?", he asks, and it hurts my heart that he sounds so upset. I find myself sighing, fully awake now.
I sit up to prepare for a conversation I don't want to have.
"Sit down, E".
Ethan complies immediately, crawling up the foot of the bed to sit directly in the middle, facing me as my back rests against the head board.
"Don't you think...ya know...that maybe we're too old to be sleeping together at this point? I mean we are 16 now and-"
"Is this because of what happened?", Ethan cuts me off, mixing up my thoughts like a needle in a haystack.
"No-I mean, kind of, but also it's just like-", I'm cut off once again.
"Grayson look, i'm sorry for what I did but I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable in any way-"
"You didn't! You didn't do anything wrong E, it was my fault anyway", how could he possibly think it was his fault?
"It wasn't".
"Look, Ethan, I don't know who did what at this point but can we just drop it?", I asked, not really wanting to drop it at all because I wanted it to happen again.
"Sure, on one condition", Ethan retorted, a smile creeping across his face. I wondered what he was up to.
"What condition?", I asked out of curiosity, having a good idea of what he was going to say.
"Let me sleep in here. With you", he spoke lowly, as if he were scared others would hear.
I couldn't  help but smile sideways at him, poking Ethan in the stomach.
"Who's scared of the rain now?!", I joked as the next clap of thunder sounded through the room.


Ethan's POV

2:23 is what the clock reads when I peek over my shoulder to see Grayson's face. I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get him out of my head. Couldn't shake the fact that having his arm clutching my waist to his chest gave me butterflies & burned my stomach.
He must feel me move, because his grip becomes tighter, he's clearly asleep. He tucks his face into the crevice of my neck, exhaling as if it was melting all of his stress to be near me.
"Ethan", I felt him whisper against my skin, as he pulled himself inhumanly closer to me, pressing himself flesh against my back.
"Gray?", I whispered, to which no response was given. I smiled a little. Saying my name in his sleep? Hmm.
Grayson's hand at some point released its grip, only to begin trailing downward, causing me to stiffen. His hand moved down my stomach deliberately, as if it were his own body he was touching. Each muscle his fingertips grazed over, even through my clothing, made me shiver. His hand stopped at the top of my waistband, fingertips tapping the seam. My breathing quickened.
"E?", he whispered. I took a moment to glance back at him. Still sleeping. Is he dreaming of this right now?
"Can I?", he asked softly, muttering under his breath, his sleep. I wasn't sure how to respond even though I wanted him to keep going. Instead of verbally responding (he was asleep after all), I used my right hand to guide his fingers just slightly underneath my waistband. I lay there silently, wondering if he's dreaming what I think he is.
His fingers stilled only for a moment before continuing down. Down, down, down until they fluttered over, decimeters away from reaching a point of no return.
In a last minute moment of morality I suddenly realized this was wrong.
"Grayson", I repeated more firmly, slightly wiggling away from his touch, embarrassed that I almost basically took advantage of him.
"What?", he asked, waking up immediately, looking at me confused before unlatching himself from me and removing his hand from my shorts.
"Was my hand in your pants?? Why the fuck was my hand in your pants?", he whisper-shouts to me.
"Oh my god-did I? Did I touch you? Oh my god Ethan i'm so sorry I don't know what I was doing."
"No, you didn't. You almost did though", I chuckled, "you were dreaming about me."
"No", Grayson defends, "I wasn't".
"Oh really?", I ask, turning over to face Grayson, "you wanna know exactly what happened?"
"Enlighten me", was his short reply.
"You did this", I demonstrate with a burst of confidence, easily reaching out to let a hand roam Grayson's toned abs, trailing downward. I could hear Grayson suck in a breath at the simple contact. Am I possibly having this effect on him?
"And then you ended up here", I continue, reaching the top of his waist band. I move my hand over the top of the band, teasing at the stretchy material.
Suddenly Grayson shifted, outwardly and unintentionally groaning. The sound went straight down south for me.
"Don't stop, E", he said, and I swear I couldn't have heard him correctly.
"W-what?", I stutter.
"Please E, keep going", he practically begs.
I basically have two options here: I could tell him to leave, or I could fulfill my deepest desire. And he was asking me to.
So, what do you think I did?
I kept fucking going.

When It Rains (Grethan) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu