Chapter 1: Serafina

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It was a beautiful day. The water sparkled in the afternoon sunlight.  Most would have enjoyed this beautiful weather. But not Quasimodo. He had been on a boat the previous night. When it had been wrecked by a storm. Quasimodo was pretty sure he was the only survivor. Im going to die out here. Im going to get eaten by sharks. Quasimodo though as he laid curlled up in the inflateble raft. Hungry and tired, he closed his eyes. When he awoke he heard what sounded like voices. Man over board. Bring him aboard then. Said another man. Quasimodo woke to the sound of the raft hitting a wooden deck. You all right kid? Standing over him was a man with white blonde hair and blue eyes. I-I think so. My boat. T-There was a s-storm. It crashed into some rocks and sank . I was the only survivor. Well I,m sorry to hear that. Death can be cruel. Um ok. I-I guess. If you could just drop me off somewhere. You mean let you go? Asked the man. Um y-yes. Quasimodo stuttered not liking this anymore.  The man chuckled. Then began to laugh. You thought- Oh that is funny. The man cleared his throught then turned to face him.  Oh  that is sad. He said shaking his head. You see- the thing is- I have no intention of letting you leave. W-What! Lock him up. Hey! he shouted in protest as two man grabbed him from behind. Y-You cant do this. Course i can. Take him away!   As he was dragged toward the the door to the lower decks he saw a wanted poster. It was then that he realized whos ship he was on.  Y-Your captian  Maffei! your wanted by the police and the coastgard.  Oh thats just one of my many names . Soon I wont have to keep changing my name. You  may call me by my given name - orfeo he said. But when he turned around his blue eyes had been replaced with hallow black eye sockets. He smirked at him, his cold dark eyes almost seamed to be staring into his soul. Welcome aboard Quasimodo, oh and sorry about wrecking your boat. No hard feelings i hope.


They threw him into a cold dark cell and chained him to the wall.  He was going to die down here. He would either starve to death or they would kill him, just like they killed his friends. He closed his eyes and fell into a fitful nights sleep. The next couple of days were hard. They starved him and beat him. He was terrified. They would kill him for sure. That night he had cried himself to sleep. He had nightmares of the man with the black eyes. What was he? Was he some sort of demon! I need to get out of here. Quasimodo strained against his chains, but it was no use. I'm as good as dead. Thought Quasimodo, as he laid back down.  Suddenly he heard a voice singing. Where was it coming from. Suddenly a small swirling vortex appeared out of nowhere. Whats Happening?!? whats going on?!? What is that?!? suddenly the swirling mass solidified into a window of some sort. On the other side was empty darkness. Then he saw her. A young woman about his age moved closer to the window .  Neela? becca? Are there? She called. Clearly this girl was looking for her friends. But she wouldn't find them here.  suddenly she spotted him and gasped.She looked as if she had been caught red handed.  Uh oh. She said, and quickly began chanting something under her breath. Suddenly the window began to shrink. Wait! He said snapping out of his shocked state.  She stopped chanting and looked up at  him. Who are you? I might ask you the same question she said as she pulled closer to the window so he could see her clearer. She wore a long blue dress and a gold necklace with a sapphire pendant. Her long copper colored hair was braided down her back. She was beautiful. What's your name she asked again. Oh I- my names Q-Quasimodo.  Interesting name.  I like it. Well it's nice to meet you quasi. I'm Serafina. Serafina, quasimodo thought to himself. What a beautiful name. Her eyes widened when she noticed the chains. Your a prisoner. She said in a hushed voice.  I am. They captured me yesterday. They starve me and beat me almost every day. I fear they'll kill me soon. Can't you escape? I-Im scared they'll kill me if i try to escape. You're not the only one who fears for there life Quasimodo.   Your a prisoner to!  where are you? Below deck in the hold. If we hurry now we both might be able to escape here!  I can't! They'll kill me. Please Quasimodo! Help me! Your my only hope! She pleaded. I-Ill try. Thank you. Then the window closed. Quasimodo strained and fought against his chains until finally, they broke.  He rammed hard against the cell door and it flew of it's hinges. He ran of down the corridor. He heard footsteps and shouts  coming down the corridor.  And they were heading his way. He had to find the door to the ships hold and fast.  The hunchbacks gone ! He's escaped!  Search the ship! FIND HIM! Upon hearing this Quasimodo ran even faster. Suddenly he saw a grate on the floor and pulled it up. He was shocked by what he saw. The hold was filled with water. Oh no there must have been a leak.  Quasimodo tried to bite back the tears. No she wasn't dead. If there was a leak the ship would have sunk, and yet the hold was filled with water. But why? Suddenly a head broke the surface of the water. Your alright!?! Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Uh never mind. Let me help you out and well run. Run? Huh? Oh. You think im.  Im not- we don't have time. Give me your hand. Quasi. I cant leave. W- What? I cant leave the water she said. I-I don't underst- Ugh she groaned. It'ed  be better if i just show you.  Suddenly something rose from beneath the surface of the water. It was a tail. A fish tail. It was light blue with dark blue stripes across the back.  Serafina was... A mermaid! He backed away alarmed. Quasi please help me! You Promised.  Quasimodo got over his initial shock. Alright I'll help you, he said with a smile. But how? I don't kno- Quasimodo! look out Sarifna shouted.  Quasimodo turned around just in time to see the captain but it was to late before he could move the captain shoved him backwards towards the large grate. The next thing  he new he was falling through the hole and into the deep murky depths below.

 The next thing  he new he was falling through the hole and into the deep murky depths below

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