Chapter 3: Transformation.

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Serifna was gone he failed to protect her. She had saved his life. Now he had to save her. He tried to get up again, but could not.  I  guess this is it then. Im so sorry, serafina.   He said as he closed his eyes.


Are you sure you heard something. I swear to you  becca. I know i heard something.  I could be just your, you know prophetic sight. I mean those voices in your head. Its enough to drive anyone crazy. I know i heard something. This way.  Ava had been blind since she was six years old, when she had lost her sight to a fever. When she first met her friends she had no idea why they were all connected by the prophecy that had brought them together. But they were stronger than ever. That was, until a week ago when the man they thought to be dead came back and kidnapped their friend Serafina. They had been searching for her for weeks with no luck. Suddenly she sensed something up ahead. She usually used her seeing eye piranha, But her powers have have started to grow stronger. She could feel it and so could her friends because they had cast a spell on themselves that bound them together with their own blood.   were here. Ava said. Where i don't see anything Said Nella. There said Astrid.  They cautiously approached  the fallen figure, when they finally noticed something.  He's-  What hes what. Said Ava. For Neria's sake Becca spit it out. He's- human. What thats- are you sure? Of course were sure Ava, snapped Astrid. We're looking at him right now. He's definitely human. Ava kneeled next to the human. She turned him over so she could see weather it was possible he  were still alive. She heard her friends gasp in shock. Whats wrong you act like you've never seen a human before. I mean we've seen them before. Not like this one. What do you mean. Her friends did not answer. She reached out her hand to touch the humans face so she could get a clearer image of what he looked like, when suddenly she saw a brief flash of an image. It was the humans face. His eyes were closed and he was slightly bruised, but that wasn't the strange part. His face was twisted strangely, a lump hung over one of his eyes and his spine was disproportionately crooked and twisted. She could hear his heart beating faintly.  She touched one of his cold hands. They were soaked with blood. His own blood. He's injured. He's alive but only barely.  Should we help him. We don't have time. Said Astrid. We have to find Serafina  before- Seria. Did he just say-  Serafina he spoke again.  Is he awake? Asked Astrid. No said Ava. Just dreaming. How did he know her name. H-He probably heard me say it. That's all. Said Astrid. But he's asleep! Said Ava.  Yeah and how do you explain how hes able to even breath down here? said ling who had been quite for most of the journey.  I think i know how. Said Nella lifting a gold chain from around his neck. This necklace belongs to seria i gave it to her the day- The day her kingdom was attacked.  Is that what i think it is, said Astrid. Its a pearl! Said Nella serafina must have cast a spell on it so he could breath. But why? Why help a human?  I don't know.  said ava.  But we'll probably never know. Isnet there anything we can do to save him? Asked Ling. We'll just have to try and hope for the best. they tried to stop the bleeding the best they could but he was dying and fast. There's got to be something we can do! Said Nella. Im afraid its to late. Now well never find out what happened to serafina. the girls huddled together crying for their lost friend when suddenly a stray current swirled past them towards the human. Soon the light  from the surface grew brighter and brighter, until there was a flash of bright light. When they opened there eyes, they could not believe what they saw the human had transformed. where his legs had been was an scaly emerald tail. He was one of them now. How ? How Is this even possible. Said Astrid. He has a tale! Said Nela.  I believe it was the decision of the gods. Said ava. He was going to die. I believe like the humans of atlantis eons ago , the goddess Neria saved his life by changing him like she did when the citizens of atlantis where fleeing to the water.  Did you hear that asked becca. Hear what? Asked Astrid.  Hes waking up said  Ling, panicked. How we going to explain this to him. Asked Astrid Gesturing to his tale.  We'll worry about this after he wakes up Said Ava, as the boys eyes slowly opened. 

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