Chapter 4: Capture

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Quasimodo woke with a pounding headache.  ugh He groaned. Where am I. He sudenly realized the pain from the arow that had been in his shoulder was gone. In fact the arrow was gone and his wounds were healed.  He slowly sat up, only to come face to face with a group of mer girls.  He backed away from them in alarm. Its alright dont be afraid.  Said one of the mer girls.  She had dark skin and black hair, but her eyes were yellow like a cats. She had the body of a mantaray.  Her yellow eyes seemed to focus in on him as if she could see him, which seemed impossible considering she appeared to be blind.  A large dark red piranha floated behind her tail glaring suspiciously at him.   Floating behind her were four other mermaids.  One had dark black hair, brown eyes and light blue skin.  she wore a black and silver dress. Her Pink tail flickered in the pale afternoon light.  Another mermaid had curly red hair, freckles and blue eyes and a pearly beige tail with patches of brown. Another one had  white scales with brilliant orange patches, like a koi fish which cover her tail and torso. She has long black hair, almond-shaped eyes ,and high cheekbones. The last mermaid glared at him with mistrust and uncertainty. She had Pale skin, long white-blonde hair, ice blue eyes, black and white orca tail.  What's your name the blind mermaid asked him. Q-Quasimodo, he said weakly sitting up. He tried to swim away but was having difficulty swimming.  When he looked back he found out why. Where his legs used to be was a scally emerald fish tail. His eyes widened. H-How- we dont know said the blind mermaid. You don't have to swim away. We want to help you.  You cant help me. He said turning his back to them attempting to swim again. Can you at least tell us what happened to Seriffna? He froze and slowly turned around. How do you know about Serafina? Shes our friend. Please can you tell us what happened. Alright ill tell you. If you teach me how to swim. Deal said the blind mermaid. Bye the way im Ava. The mermaid introduced herself.  And this is nella,ling,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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