Chapter 2: Serafina's Melody.

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Quasimodo fell through the grate and towards the water below. serafina rushed to catch him but missed. Quasimodo felt the water rushing swiftly into his lungs. I'm going to drown! I can't give up! He held his breath and swam up to where the grate was. he tried to push it up, but it would not budge. it was locked! He was trapped! Quasimodo tried once more than let go sinking back to the bottom.  Quasimodo! Quasimodo! Shouted Serafina. No, no. You can't die! You can't! You risked your life to save mine. Now i have to save yours! But how? THEN serafina remembered an old songspell that would allow a human to breath underwater. It was from a time when humans and merpeople co-existed with one another. She took a pouch from around her neck and pulled out a single pearl she then took a gold necklace from around  her neck and tied it around the pearl. Then she sang the spell and placed it around his neck. She waited but nothing happened. she waited some more and still nothing happened. Did I sing the spell wrong! Sarifina thought alarmed. Please don't die she said. A single tear sliding down her face.  In a soft silky voice she began to sing. 

Daughter of Merrow,

find the five Brave enough to keep hope alive.

 One whose heart will hold the light,

 one who is possessed of a prophets sight. 

 One who does not yet believe,

Thus has no choice but to deceive.

One with spirit sure and strong,

One who sings all creatures' songs.

Together find the talismans

Belonging to the six who ruled,

Hidden under treacherous waters

After light and darkness dueled.

These pieces must not be united,

Not in anger, greed, or rage.

They were scattered by brave Merrow, 

Lest they unlock destruction's cage.

Come to us from seas and rivers,

Become one mind, one heart, one bond.

Before the waters, and all creatures in them,

Are laid to waste by Abbadon! 

On the last note of the song Quasimodo opened his eyes gasping for air. 

I-I can breathe. How am i breathing. The pearl. The one i placed around your neck has a spell on it that allows you to breath underwater. You saved my life thank you. It was no problem. After all you saved me . Tried to save you. Remeber. Well at least you tried. Thats the best anyone can do is try. Isnt it? I-I guess. That song, what was it about? Its not a song . its apropecy about me and my freinds . A  prophecy! its a long story ill tell you later. If we can get out of here alive. There has to be some way out of here! There is said sarifina noticing something out of the corner of her eye. See that wall over there. Yes what about it. Theres a door built into  it. But its cracked. It must have hit something. Think you can break the door down. I-I can try but im still to weak, from almost drowning. Please try! we're not the only ones trapped down here, she said pointing into the dark. Quasimodo could make out shapes in the dark. It was then that he realized what they were Merpeople. There were men, women , and even children. They were prisoners here as well. He had to set them free. He swam to the door and slammed against the door. He backed up and slammed into it again until finally the door flew off its hinges and into the open sea. Thank you said one mermaid as she rushed past. Sarafina grabbed his hand and dragged him into the sea. Sarafina stopped and  sang something under her breath and suddenly a ball of flames grew in her hands. she threw the ball of flames at the hull of the ship and it ignited.  Come on! The swam away as they heard angry voices shouting after them. GET THEM! There getting away!.Suddenly a black arrow pierced his shoulder . Ahh. Quasimodo said sarafina racing back to him. She maneged to pull the arrow out, but the shaft was still stuck in his shoulder. Hello princess. Long time no sea! haha.  Traho. Should have known youd be here. She lunged at him with a knife. You killed my friend. Suddenly two other mermen grabed her from behind. Let me go! Let go of me! Sera- Serafina.  Your alive! Said Serifina. Let her go! He tried rescue her but fel to the sandy ground. Take her back to the ship. What about this one sir? Said a merman pointing at Quasimodo. Leave him. The sharks will take care of him soon enough. Sera! Quasi! I-I'll find you! I promise!  I promise. He said fainting.

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