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(Hey I'm just gonna warm y'all now it's gonna be the same situation for you like in my other story. What I mean is, is that I'm gonna be using the billy guy from stranger things as the sexually abusive brother so bye and good luck with that)

Hello my name is Y/N L/N

And this is a story on how I met the love of my life, but we'll get to that in a sec but for now, it's time to show you what happened before I met him.

About 11 years ago my mother gave birth to me. My mother and father were excited to have me be brought to the world. But what they didn't know is that I was magical until later in the story.

Anyways, everything was normal until a four to five years later my father died. Someone killed him.

When my mother found out, she was heartbroken.

As for me, well, I didn't really understand that I was never gonna see him again since I was pretty young.

Well, my mother had moved on after 3 years.

I was about 8 when she met Him.

And that name of his was Neil, he was a pretty nice guy at first.. but when me and him were alone he would get aggressive on manners. But what I found out soon enough was that he actually had a son who was in high school.

His name was billy, he was 17 years old while I was 8 when I met him.

But I realized pretty quickly that he was a person to not mess around, and he especially does not act like a brother should.

Cause the truth is he rapes me, I know I'm being straight forward with this but I want to be clear, he also watches me or picks me up at my muggle school cause my school and the high school are next to each other.

Well to be straight forward, two years later after being physically abused by my step father and sexually abused my stepbrother, I never told mom and that was a huge mistake.

Cause Neil and mom got married right when it hit 2 years of being together.

So now I had no way out, or so I thought.


It was my birthday, I turn 11 today. But I usually don't celebrate my birthday anymore ever since my mom met Neil.

But later that day some thing weird had happened.

I went to go check the mail to see if we had bills to pay, but, no it was an owl with a letter to me.

I had never had a letter before so it was kinda cool.

I went inside and came to the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast, while Neil and billy were eating, then she spoke to me.

"Happy birthday my little moonlight." Yea that was my nickname she gave me. Anyway As She spoke calmly after she put down the pan of eggs on the stove, then wrapped her one arm around me to pull me closer to her and kissed my head and rubbed my arm.

Then she let go and motioned me to go sit at the table, whilst still having the letter in my hands.

I walked over to the table and sat down with Neil and billy.

As I was about open my letter I yelled at mom about the letter.

"Hey mom, look! I got a letter!" As I geeked out about it. hey, you can't blame me.

"Oh really?, who is it from dear?" Mom asked in curiosity as she walked closer with her plate of breakfast she had prepared.

"Um I don't know, all I saw was that it had my name on it." I answered her then she looked at me and goes

"Well, let's open it and see what it is?" As she said but was kinda curious. And I get it cause the family I have is either dead or doesn't even know that I'm alive. So I get why she would get curious over a letter to me.

As I flipped over the letter both billy and Neil were looking at me too also curious about the letter.

As I flipped it over I saw the name Hogwarts on it. 'Hogwarts that's kinda a funny name' I thought to myself then I looked up and asked mom.

"Hey mom, what's Hogwarts?" I asked mom, and the look on her face was pure confusion and that answered my question that even she didn't even know.

"Um, I don't know honey, I really don't know, maybe open it so we could know what this is all meaning to." She said as I nodded my head and started to open it, while all of them were staring at me.

As I opened it I started to read it aloud.

Dear Y/N

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September.
We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely
M. McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress.

As I read aloud the whole letter, I was so confused about all of this as I looked up at my mom, she was just as confused as all of us.

Then she spoke

"Hey, darling let me see that."
I handed the letter to her and then she began to read it. After she read it, it was clearly real.

"So, mom, is this real or a prank?"
I asked her hoping it's a prank. But she looked at me and goes

"I don't think it's a prank moonlight, no one can make up a name like McGonagall."

As I started thinking about it, I started to think, maybe it is real. But how do we know if it is.

But what I do know is that first thing we have to do is, I guess write a letter back to this Hogwarts school, and give it to the owl.


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